Screenwriter, director and cinematographer
Country of origin

András Petrik is a Hungarian screenwriter, director and cinematographer, born and raised in Budapest. After having graduated with a master in History and Geography at the Eötvös University Budapest (ELTE), he joined the Hungarian film industry’s ranks in 1998. Later, he studied and worked in Berlin. In 2008, he graduated with a degree in Cinematography from the German Film- and Television Academy Berlin (DFFB). Since 2004, he has worked internationally as a film and TV director, screenwriter and cinematographer. His films have been awarded at many prestigious festivals. Currently, he is working as a screenwriter for movies and TV-series.


Current issues

An interfaith film jury, including an INTERFILM representative for the first time, awarded the Faith in Film Award 2025 to François Ozon's "When Fall Is Coming".
List of awards given by juries appointed by INTERFILM and SIGNIS or INTERFILM alone (international festival awards) or by other church institutions (national awards).


Haus der EKD, Charlottenstraße 53/54, 10117 Berlin
Café of the Propsteikirche Leipzig, Nonnenmühlgasse 2

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