Sixteen-year-old Abby lives her calm, boring teenage life in a small coastal American town. She skateboards, hangs out with her best friends Laura and Kat, and enjoys her love of music at the record store. She lives with her mother, who's getting over her breakup with Abby's father, who left them for his pregnant girlfriend. All is disrupted by the arrival of a punk band, whose singer Dave charms the girl right away. The affection is mutual and she experiences her first big love. Dave also supports Abby's dream of becoming a singer and convinces her to go on tour with them. That's all Abby's been waiting for. She's always wanted to leave her town and see new places. But can she leave her family, which includes not only her mother, but also her friends and the entire community? Coast is an American independent film about home, our past, rebellion, music, parenting, friendship, belonging and the love for what you have at the moment, in this place. (Festival information, Zlín 2022)


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