
Directed by
Dreaming of escape from the bleakness of their industrial hometown, two 13-year-olds, Marija and Kristina, form a unique bond at a local modeling school, where the promise of a better life pushes girls to violate their bodies in increasingly extreme ways. (Festival information, Locarno 2024)
Akiplėša: Trailer

This is a story of broken families, teenage friendships, and the hope for a better tomorrow.  The film shows the contrast between youthful dreams full of hope and excitement and a real world that exploits those adolescent ideals for its benefit.  It raises important questions such as how to choose the right path to follow, how to distinguish between truth and lies in human relationships, and how to say no to manipulation and abuse, especially when you do not yet have life experiences.  What does today’s society offer young people? (Photo: © Akis bado)


The Prize of the Ecumenical Jury in Locarno 2024 goes to "Akiplėša" (Toxic), directed by Saulė Bliuvajtė from Lithuania. The film also won the Golden Leopard and the Swatch Foirst Feature Award.

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