Festival of German-speaking Young Film

The INTERFILM jury with the award winner, left to right: Harald Koberg, Jakob Hoffmann, Arash T. Riahi, Ingrid Glatz-Anderegg, Angelika Müller von Brochowski


Awards of the INTERFILM Jury
For a Moment, Freedom
Directed by:

Arash T. Riahi chooses a perspective scarcely known to a big issue of our time: the life of refugees. He succeeds in combining typical stories with individual faces and in touching the audience emotionally without betraying the central aspects of his theme. With sensitivity he switches between tragic and humour and portrays the asylum seekers in their variety.


The INTERFILM Jury awards the INTERFILM Prize, endowed with € 2000 by the Foerderverein Johanneskirche.


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