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Not far from Timbuktu, now ruled by the religious fundamentalists, Kidane lives peacefully in the dunes with his wife Satima, his daughter Toya, and Issan, their twelve-year-old shepherd. In town, the people suffer, powerless, from the regime of terror imposed by the Jihadists determined to control their faith. Every day, the new improvised courts issue tragic and absurd sentences. Kidane and his family are being spared the chaos that prevails in Timbuktu. But their destiny changes... (Timbuktu pressbook)


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67th Festival de Cannes 2014

The Ecumenical Jury at the 67th Festival de Cannes (May 14-25, 2014), appointed by INTERFILM and SIGNIS, has awarded its Prize to TIMBUKTU by Abderrahmane Sissako, France/Mauretania, 2014. In addition, the Jury awards two Commendations to THE SALT OF EARTH by Wim Wenders and Juliano Ribeiro Salgado, France 2014, and to HERMOSA JUVENTUD by Jaime Rosales, Spain/France 2014, both in the programme of Un Certain Regard. The winner of the Palm d'Or is the Turkish competition entry WINTER SLEEP by Nuri Bilge Ceylan.

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