At the Festival Sunday, August 9 at 11:15, the Council of Christian Churches in Ticino organizes an ecumenical service in the baroque church of Santa Maria Assunta ("Chiesa Nuova"). Representatives of numerous churches will join the event, including those of the Syrian Orthodox Church which embraces quite a number of members in Ticino. The sermon will be held  by the bishop of the Old Catholic Church of Switzerland, Rev. Dr. Harald Rein, who is currently also President of the Council of Christian Churches in Switzerland. During the subsequent reception in the small cloister of the church festivaliers and church members have the opportunity to meet the members of the Ecumenical Jury.



Santa Maria Assunta ("Chiesa Nuova"), Locarno
Council of Christian Churches in Ticino


Current issues

The Protestant Film Jury in Germany has chosen the Italian film "C'e ancora domani" (Tomorrow is another day) by Paola Cortellesi as FILM OF THE YEAR 2024.
An interfaith film jury, including an INTERFILM representative for the first time, awarded the Faith in Film Award 2025 to François Ozon's "When Fall Is Coming".


Haus der EKD, Charlottenstraße 53/54, 10117 Berlin
Café of the Propsteikirche Leipzig, Nonnenmühlgasse 2