"Un instante en La Habana" (Havana Moment) tells the story of two brothers separated for 23 years when their mother flees Cuba for the United States with the younger boy. The film shows us how pardon and reconciliation are possible when the American brother returns to Cuba and the two discover the best of each other, despite how much separates them. The jury wants to acknowledge the considerable and multiple talents of Guillermo Iván, the film’s director, writer and co-star. The jurors note in particular the sensitivity and authenticity of his interpretation of someone affected by a degenerative illness.


After weeks of uncertainty the 39th World Film Festival started on August 27th. The Ecumenical Jury had to decide for an award winner among 24 films screened in the World Competition section. As winnner of the Ecumenical Prize the jury choose "The Midnight Orchestra", directed by Jerôme Coen Oliver.

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