
"489 Years" by Hayoun Kwon, a video about the demilitarized zone between North and South Corea, has won the Prize of the Ecumenical Jury at the International Short Film Days Oberhausen 2016. For the Grand Prize of the City of Oberhausen the International Jury choose "Venusia" by Louise Carrin from Switzerland, a "study about the relationship between the owner of a brothel and her only friend", the festival says. Its Principal Prize the International Jury awarded to a short film by Philippine director Lav Diaz, "Ang araw bago ang wakas" (The Day Before the End). Diaz caused a sensation at this year's Berlinale with his eight hours competition entry "A Lullaby to the Sorrowful Mystery".

In about 100 showings in 5 days the International Short Film Festival 2016 screened more than 550 films, including 64 films in 10 programs of the International Competition. “Anyone who wants to understand where cinema is going and what kind of alternatives societies offer will be able to discover in short films a variety of options and concepts that is far more diverse than long films have to offer”, says festival director Lars Henrik Gass. In addition to the competition programs, including the popular children's and youth film competition, the festival in a thematic program entitled "El pueblo" will show films from Latin America, and under the label "profiles" retrospectives of five artists: Sun Xun (China), Josef Dabernig (Austria), Anne Haugsgjerd (Norway) and Raquel Chalfi (Israel).

Link: Festival website


Der 17jährige Mathieu unternimmt eines nachts eine waghalsige Aktion, um ein Graffiti an eine Autobahnbrücke zu sprayen.

Erst am Schluss eines spannungsgeladenen Films, der auf vielfältige Art und Weise Lebenswelten von Jugendlichen aufzeigt, erschließt sich die Motivation seines Handelns.

Dadurch regt «Viaduc» an, eigene Vorurteile und oberflächliche Betrachtungsweisen zu hinterfragen.


In seinen Erinnerungen nimmt uns ein Soldat mit auf eine Exkursion in das demilitarisierte Grenzgebiet zwischen Süd- und Nordkorea.

Aus seiner Perspektive erleben wir in fesselnden computeranimierten Bildfolgen den gefährlichen Weg durch ein vermintes Paradies.

Hier liegen Schönheit und Schrecken nahe beieinander, was uns die Ambivalenz äußerer sowie innerer Grenzen neu bewusst werden lässt


The Ecumenical Jury awards its Prize of 1500.- €, donated by the Protestant Church in Oberhausen and the Catholic Film Organisation in Germany, to a film in the International Competition. In addition, it recommends a film of the Children's and Youth Competition to the church film distribution companies Katholisches Filmwerk (KFW) and Matthias-Film.


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