American Honey

Directed by

Star (Sasha Lane), a teenage girl from a troubled home, runs away with a traveling sales crew who drive across the American Midwest selling magazine subscriptions door to door. Finding her feet in this gang of teenagers, one of whom is Jake (Shia LaBeouf), she soon gets into the group's lifestyle of hard-partying nights, law-bending days, and young love. (Festival information)

A road-movie that gives a loving glimpse of a forgotten youth, a "sales crew" travelling from town to town. It shows their ability of inner strength and dignity, while at the same time providing a social seismograph of various segments of society. It is a threefold journey: a journey of the crew, a journey from wealth to poverty and an inner journey of each of the protagonists, Star and Jake haven't lost their ability to dream and to transform themselves.


"It's Just the End of the World" by Xavier Dolan is the winner of the Ecumenical Jury Prize in Cannes 2016. Two other competition films got a Commendation by the jury, "American Honey" by Andrea Arnold and "I, Daniel Blake" by Ken Loach.

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