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At dawn a group of peasants tries to rescue the body of a young man from the inside of a well. Women veil their faces in silence while men endure the situation. In the center of it all, a mother awaits her son’s salvation.

The wait is over. The boy’s body emerges from the depths of the earth. How can life cease to be when in nature there is an enduring renewal? From a distance the sun sinks into the horizon. There is a new day ahead. (Terratreme Filmes)


In the misty dawn a group of villagers tries to rescue the body of a young man who has drowned in a well. The body is laid down to his mother's lap. From that moment onwards the mystery of awakening both the young man and the morning catch the viewer's attention.

A very poetic film full of symbols and metaphors challenges the viewer to interpret both the mystery of death and life of human beings, nature, and to reflect Biblical references.

Extremely detailed filming with colours, sounds and movements keeps the viewers in grip from the beginning to the very end.


"Une vie" by Stéphane Brizé, a story about a woman's life based on a novel by Guy de Maupassant, was the opening film of the 46th Molodist International Film Festival. It had 250 programme entries...

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