Country of origin

Miriam Hollstein (*1970 in Karlsruhe) is one of Germany’s leading political correspondents. She studied Journalism and French at the Freie Universität Berlin and Cinematography at the University of Montreal (Canada). In 1998, she wrote her Master thesis about „The representation of Jesus Christ in the movies“. She currently works as chief political reporter for the German weekly magazine stern.


One of the most frequently asked questions to the Ecumenical Jury is: What criteria do you use to choose your prizes? We are not looking for the "better Jesus film", explained jury member Kerstin Heinemann in an interview. In fact, there is a list of points to consider. Outstanding artistic quality is just as much a part of it as respect for human dignity, Miriam Hollstein, president of the Ecumenical Jury at the Berlinale 2023, writes in her festival report.

Current issues

An interfaith film jury, including an INTERFILM representative for the first time, awarded the Faith in Film Award 2025 to François Ozon's "When Fall Is Coming".
The Protestant Film Jury in Germany has chosen the Italian film "C'e ancora domani" (Tomorrow is another day) by Paola Cortellesi as FILM OF THE YEAR 2024.


Haus der EKD, Charlottenstraße 53/54, 10117 Berlin
Café of the Propsteikirche Leipzig, Nonnenmühlgasse 2

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