Waar is het Paard van Sinterklaas?
Santa Claus has returned to Spain and won’t be back until next year, on St. Nicolas’ Day. In the meantime, Winky Wong has been asked to look after his horse, Amerigo. Winky couldn’t imagine a better task and begins having riding lessons on Naf-Naf the pony. Aunty Cor and Uncle Siem teach her everything she needs to know about looking after horses. As much as Winky loves riding Naf-Naf, she is determined to ride Amerigo as well – but Aunty Cor and Uncle Siem are against this because he is too big for her. (...) Then an opportunity presents itself. Amerigo is alone and Winky seizes the moment. Now at last she can ride Santas’ horse. But things go terribly wrong. The film is a sequel to "Winky's Horse" from 2006. (Berlinale Festival Information)
The Ecumenical Jury awards a Commendation to "Where Is Winky's Horse" for a subtle expression of a 6 year-old girls emotions and adventures.