
The Ecumenical Jury at the International Short Film Festival Oberhausen awarded their prize to the Hungarian film "Kis apokrif" by Kornél Mundruczó and awarded two other films with honorable mentions: "À margem da imagem" (On the Fringes of Sáo Paolo: Homeless, Brazil 2002) ) by Evaldo Mocarzel and "Integration" by Siegfried Koepf (Germany 2002). The winner of the Grand Prix of the city of Oberhausen was "Portret" (Portrait, Russia 2002) by Sergej Loznitsa. The prize of the Fipresci jury went to "Lift" by Marc Isaacs (United Kingdom, 2001).

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Kleine Apokryphe
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The film reflects the question of identity. Fragments of the personality of a young boy are multiplied and refracted as by a kaleidoscope. This particular representation conveys a dynamic quest for identity without leading to a plain solution.

Vom Rand zum Bild
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By example of a documentary about homeless persons the film questions the ethical prospects and limits of engaged art.

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Appreciating that the festival program was very wide-ranging and ambitious, above all through the Special Program »re<local>isation«, the Ecumenical Jury awards an additional Honourable Mention to a film outside the International Competition, and that to a film in the German Competion, Integration by Siegfried Koepf. The German national anthem was never played more pointed.


The Ecumenical Jury awards a prize of 1.500 €, donatet by the Catholic Church in Germany and the Protestant Church in Oberhausen.


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