Look At Me... Award for "Super Furball"

At the 37th Oulu Film Festival for Children and Youth (November 12-18, 2018) the "Look at me..." Award of the Church Media Foundation has been given to "Supermarsu" (Super Furball) by Joona Tena (Finland, 2018). The prize is endowed with € 1500.

Pauli Juusela, editor and deputy member for the board of the Church Media Foundation, was the juror of the award. His motivation for the prize reads: "The superhero in Joona Tena’s film , a Guinea big, is an extraordinary  hero, funny and suitable for children: fluffy and soft, but flying, dressed in a tracksuit. However, the real superhero in this film is Emilia, presented by Elli Jäppinen. Emilia recognizes she can be brave as being an ordinary girl named Emilia, not only when she is the superhero.

The film is scripted funny and directed with speed. The story itself is good and accurate: It handles the environmental problem, the pollution of the Baltic Sea, in a good way, suitable for children. Also, the bullying in the school is handled insightfully, because the film describes clearly: the bullying needs not only the bully him- or herself but also the bystanders. With a good humor one can deal with these difficult issues."

Link: Festival website


