Set in a world of social and familial contradicitions, the film portrays in a sensitive and attentive manner characters of different backgrounds who, in the course of struggles and events, reconcile in finding their own identity. The film is masterfully executed in a serious tone and, at the same time, full of tact and humour.
49th International Film Festival Cannes
09.05.1996 to 20.05.1996
Lügen und Geheimnisse
Secrets et mensonges
Directed by:
A Drifting Life
Directed by:
By means of a carefully measured rhythme and framing the film discloses the contradictions and dignity of everyday life following the drift of a family in the changing Asiatic society.
Drifting Clouds
Wolken ziehen vorüber
Au loin s'en vont les nuages
Directed by:
In this movie the director treats the problems of unemployment with strength and discretion. He creates the protraits of ordinary people who refuse fatality and despair.