Lesley, who lives with her husband and daughter in a small American town, leads a lacklustre life. But all that changes after her shift one day when she forgets to check the school bus she uses to drive kids to school from every part of town. One day after a freezing night her life is turned upside down: on one of the back seats she finds a half-dead child who was trapped all night in the cold bus. When a trial convenes to determine Lesley’s level of responsibility, the depressing situation starts to show in the behavior of her withdrawn husband and her little girl. (Festival information)
When a female school bus driver fails to notice a sleeping boy in the back of her bus, this causes a tragedy that overshadows not only her life and family but also the lives of many others in her economically depressed small hometown. Lance Edmands' debut deals with topics like guilt, estrangement and isolation but first and foremost centers around the tragic lack of connection, closeness and the search for a place in this world. "Bluebird" is the most thoughtful and mature, the most atmospheric, superbly restrained, yet deeply emotional work we have ever seen by a first time feature-length film director.