La maison jaune
The Yellow House
Directed by
La maison jaune tells the story of a man who goes in his tricycle to find the corps of his son. I myself also had to take my father’s remains from France to his native village in the Aurès. During those few days, I had to deal with a lot of red tape and the grief of men and women at all. I was sustained by the compassion and helping hands of strangers. I loved those men and women, who, when all is said and done, were like me. I had almost forgotten I was a child of the Aurès. All these encounters, and my long walks in the area, a place that is both hostile and beautiful, prompted a deep and personal desire to make a film there. (Director's statement)
A positive vision of how images can facilitate the healing process. La maison jaune/The Yellow House portrays the triumph of hope over adversity.
In the midst of mourning for a son killed while away, a Berber family in Algeria finds strength, renewal, love and support from both within the family and the wider community. Amor Hakkar’s film is poetically crafted using sensitivity, subtlety and humour.