Music versus immersion, diversity versus everyday racism, feeling versus loneliness: "La gita" tells in an emotional, harmonious, italo- and franko-jazzy, touching way of the immigrant daughter Magalie and her tutoring for the math-weak swarm like the diversity-weak passer-by. In the end, the courage of the film will be worthwhile, in the plot, because instead of the school trip a heart waits for magic, and in the echo of the film, because to young people over 14 years in all openness a small, fine hope will be given. (Photo: Internationale Kurzfilmtage/Salvatore Alloca)


The Ecumenical Jury has awarded its 1500 € prize to the dance film "NoirBLUE" by Ana Pi. The Grand Prix of the City of Oberhausen went to "I Got My Things and Left" by Philbert Aimé Mbubazi Sharangabo.

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