Awards of the Ecumenical Jury
Just a Kiss
Directed by:

The lovestory between a young man of pakistan decent and a catholic schoolteacher gives an impressive example for the cultural, religious und social barriers, which has to overcome for a common future for people from different cultural backgrounds. A plea for mutual acceptance and intercultural understanding.

Die Zeugen
Directed by:

This film uses in an excellent way the artistic means to express the moral complexity of a war situation. It show that even here acting as a human being is possible. The only way of working on a peaceful future is taking risks for protecting life and respecting even the enemies as human persons.

I Love to Work
Directed by:

The film depicts a woman suffering economic injustice and abuse of corporate power in her work place. The directors compellingly approriate imagery underscores the right to justice and human dignity.

A Wonderful Spell
Directed by:

“Folle embellie” (A wonderful spell) is simultaneously an intriguing story and a compelling metaphor. It contrasts the insanity of war with the insanity of mentally troubled persons and raises possibilities for healing through community and human relations.


Since 1992, the international film organizations of the Protestant and Catholic Churches – INTERFILM and SIGNIS – have been represented by the Ecumenical Jury. It awards its main prize to a film entered in the Competition. It awards two other prizes of 2.500 Euro to a film from the Panorama (courtesy of the German Bishops Conference) and Forum (courtesy of the Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany) respectively. The prizes go to directors who have displayed genuine artistic talent and succeeded in portraying actions or human experiences that comply with the Gospels or sensitize viewers to spiritual, human or social values.


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