
The Interreligious Jury at DOK Lepzig 2018 has awarded their prize of 2500 € to "I Had a Dream" by Claudia Tosi, who has also won the Golden Dove of the International Festival Jury and the Prize of International Film Critics. In addition, the Interreligious Jury awarded a Special Prize to "#Female Pleasure" by Barbara Miller.

Link: Festival website

I Had a Dream
Directed by:

Nach unseren Schriften sind Frauen und Männer gleich erschaffen (wie in Genesis 1:27 geschrieben) und in gegenseitigem Respekt (wie in Sure 9:71). Hoffnung und die Verpflichtung, nie aufzugeben, sind wesentliche Bestandteile unserer Religionen. Der von uns ausgewählte Film enthält nicht nur Hoffnung, sondern stellt sie her. Unsere Wahl erfüllt die ursprünglichen Anforderungen an einen Dokumentarfilm. Er zeigt ein Verantwortungsbewusstsein, die Welt zu einem besseren Ort zu machen, der die nächsten Generationen inspiriert. Zwei Politikerinnen und eine Regisseurin hatten einen solchen Traum.

Directed by:

The Interreligious Jury is entering Neuland according to the motto of DOK Leipzig 2018. It awards for the first time a Special Prize to a documentary film that has convinced its members. It does not belong to the Official Competition but to the Late Harvest. In a well-researched complexity it presents five brave women of five world religions who fight against violence and repression towards women.

I Had a Dream
Directed by:

According to our scriptures women and men are created equal as in Genesis 1:27 and in respect for each other as in Sura 9:71. Hope and the obligation never to give up are substantial parts of our religions. The film we have chosen not only contains hope but produces it. Our choice also fulfils the original requirements of a documentary. It shows a sense of responsibility to make the world a better place inspiring the next generations. Two lady politicians and a lady director had such a dream.


The Prize of the Interreligious Jury is endowed with € 2500, donated by the Interreligious Roundtable Leipzig and the VCH-Hotels Germany GmbH in the “Verband Christlicher Hoteliers e.V.” including the Hotel MICHAELIS in Leipzig.


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