With a sober camera the film shows a mirror-image of today’s working world in which man degrades into a pure resource, in a denaturized space. Taking manager training courses and assessment centres as examples, we can see on which cleverly devised methods executives and organization consultants are falling back to optimize the achievement potential of their workforce. In this process, man as a unique and feeling individual is left behind. Carmen Losmann has succeeded in making an impressive film as far as both its content and artistic value are concerned. It confronts us with the uncomfortable question, how we are going to deal with such a world and how we want to continue living in it.
Founded in 1955 as "Leipziger Kultur- und Dokumentarfilmwoche" (Leipzig Week for Cultural and Documentary Film), the festival is headed by Christoph Terhechte since the beginning of 2020. An Ecumenical Jury existed since 1990. It was transformed into an Interreligious Jury in 2016.
Festival films
The Ecumenical Jury awards its Prize, endowed with € 2000 by the VCH-Hotels Germany GmbH (Verband Christlicher Hoteliers e.V. – www.vch.de), including the Hotel MICHAELIS in Leipzig.