57th International Leipzig Festival for Documentaries and Animated Film

The festival announces latest political films about the crises in Syria and the Ukraine. The opening film tells about another controversial political matter: Edward Snowden and the wiretap practices of the NSA which he made public. In total, till November 2nd the festival shows 368 documentaries and animated films. A watershed in the festival history will be the leave of festival director Claas Danielsen at the end of the year. He is in charge for ten years, since 2004.

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Award of the Ecumenical Jury
Toto and his Sisters
Directed by:
10-year old Toto lives, together with his two sisters, in the Roma quarter of Bucharest amidst drugs and crime. Thanks to his personality and with the help of his sister Andrea, he finds access to a youth centre. A better future is opening up for both. The deeply documentary narration makes it clear how much strength the two children need to get out of a hopeless context.


The Prize of the Ecumenical Jury at DOKLeipzig, appointed by INTERFILM and SIGNIS, comprises € 2000, donated by the VCH-Hotels Germany GmbH – in the “Verband Christlicher Hoteliers e.V.”, including the Hotel MICHAELIS in Leipzig


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