To Live
Directed by:

This film relates the saga of a family in the turmoils of History. It tells the story of ordinary people who, through dramatic events in China, find within themselves the strength to resist and survive. The main concerns of «To Live» are memory and lucidity. Furthermore the film emphasizes the wish for happiness, the innocence of children and human dignity.

Burnt by the Sun
Die Sonne, die uns täuscht
Soleil trompeur
Directed by:

This film relates the saga of a family in the turmoils of History. It tells the troubled past of Stalinism which destroyed the very actors of revolution. The main concerns of "Burnt by the Sun" are memory and lucidity. Furthermore the film emphasizes the wish for happiness, the innocence of children and human dignity. (Photo: © trigon-film)

With strength and discretion the film describes the fight for life of a mother and her daughters, tied up to thier land, fighting alone against an angry nature in order to collect the result of their work in the rice fields.