Directed by:

A film from Japan that takes its characters and its audience on a journey to discovery. After a traumatic bus hijacking, the survivors come together for a healing of memories, of returning to their true selves, with some tragedy but alos hope and the ability to live for others. Very long shots, beautiful sepia photography, a sometimes contemplative experience of universal values.

Directed by:

In the ordinary streets of New York, Amos Kollek introduces the audience to a collection of people who struggle with their self-confidence, their loneliness and their relationships. A film of great tenderness, especially for people who try to come to terms with aging. A fresh and touchingly optimistic film.

Code Unknown
Directed by:

Provocative glimpses of contemporary Europe, a mosaic of a range of characters in Paris whose lives intersect, sometimes with pathos, at other times aggressively, even in xenophobia. Michael Haneke also challenges his audience by representing different media and how they deal with fantasy and reality.