© Daniel Beguin

The members of the Ecumenical Jury and INTERFILM and SIGNIS officials on the Red Carpet, from left: Lieve and Jos Horemans, Gianluca Arnone, Francoise Lods, Denyse Muller, Christiane Hofmann, Martin E. Bernal Alonso; second row: Daniel Grivel, Mikael Mogren

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Awards of the Ecumenical Jury
Cheyenne - This Must Be the Place
Directed by:

Through the story of Cheyenne, a fallen and aching rock star, Paolo SORRENTINO proposes to follow the inner voyage and odyssey of a man searching for his Jewish roots, maturity, reconciliation and hope. A classic drama of great richness and elaborate aesthetics, the film gracefully opens deep and serious paths of reflection.

Directed by:

An ode to hope, solidarity and brotherhood : using sophisticated filmmaking, Aki KAURISMÄKI invites us in a world which he transforms through the magic of the colours, the humour of the dialogues, the humanity of the characters – with « The Sermon on the Mount » in the background.

Where Do We Go Now?
Wer weiß, wohin?
Directed by:

The women of a small isolated village are ready to do anything to preserve peace between the two communities that are living there together. With much delicacy, Nadine LABAKI succeeds in offering a poetic tale balancing carefully between comedy and tragedy, provoking an emotion that is turned towards hope.