
The Japanese drama "Hikari" (Radiant), directed by Naomi Kawase, about the relationship between a writer of audio descriptions of films and a photographer getting blind has won the Prize of the Ecumenical Jury in Cannes 2017. The jury, chaired by INTERFILM's vice-president Denyse Muller, chose its winner among the 19 entries of the International Competition.

The International Jury presided by Pedro Almodóvar awardede the Golden Palm to "The Square" by Swedish director Ruben Östlund. The Grand Jury Prize went to "120 battements per minute" (BPM - Beats Per Minute) by Robin Campillo from France, the Prize for Best Direction to Sofia Coppola for "The Bequiled". "Neljubov" (Loveless) by Andrej Zvjagincev won the Jury Prize.

The Jury of the International Film Critics (FIPRESCI) awarded its competition prize also to "120 battements per minute". Their award ceremony takes place together with the Ecumenical Jury.

Link: Festival website

Link: Website of the Ecumenical Jury


Video: The award ceremony of the Ecumenical Jury

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