The flux of life which flows through the film (during a stifling summer night) depicts the story of a nation, rejecting unsatisfactions and fears, arousing hope, demolishing an old world to make place for a renewed spirit. By breaking away from the individual dreams of the past, the film opens on to a universal dimension.
Referring to the continuous journeys of a young train guard in India, this film, with efficient technical mastery, develops a reflection on the meaning of life on young people seeking their autonomy in relation to family and social customs in their country.
Respecting the authentic variety of traditional beliefs of Mexico, the film in the form of a popular legend combines radical, political and social views with a prophetic vision. The director courageously tries to overcome the prejudices that separate the reality of everyday life from the reality of the Gospel.
The film depicts in a honest way the situation of an insular group of people that has let itself be pushed into excessive violence, resulting of a sudden disappearance of sensibility and human values. It shows realistically, with allegoric overtones, the importance of social responsibility and respect for the rights of the individual. In spite of a certain weakness in structure, this is a promising first work.
The film describes the culture and way of life of a specific people. As well as painting the harsh life led by this people, "O Earth, Sinning Song" demonstrates the importance of life, love and death.
The film criticises a bureaucrat who is no longer at the service of the people. The bureaucrat is not harshly dealt with and in the end he brings together the different mentalities.
The Special Commendation of the jury is awarded to "Le milieu du monde" and to the complete work of the Swiss director. “The Middle of the World” confirms with great talent the development of the director in his criticism of modern Western society.