Ich zuerst
Directed by:

A man, after sensitively reflecting his broken love relationship and overcoming his self-doubt, finally finds a new way of life. The film succeeds in translating emotions in the language of images. In particular, it presents an image of Africa which is hardly kown.


Directed by:

Observing a bureaucratic institution, the film captures human reactions on turning points of life, such as marriage, divorce, birth and death. Gestures and facial expression of the characters transcend not only the bureaucratic procedure but also the documentary framework of the film. Emotions do not submit to the administrative machinery.


Ein Augenblick der Liebe
Directed by:

“A Moment of Love” is a film about a fragile love leaving much space for the audience to empathize with the reflections of the characters. Expressive images and little dialogue add to captivate the spectator’s emotions without offering a final solution.