Karlovy Vary

The main award of the festival, the Crystal Globe, went to Mýrin (Jar City) an Icelandic-German coproduction directed by Baltasar Kormákur. The Ecumenical Jury awarded the Russian film Prostye vešči (Simple Things) by Aleksej Popogrebskij which also won the FIPRESCI Prize.

Link: Festival 2007 website

Awards of the Ecumenical jury
Simple Things

"Simple Things" is set against a backdrop of contemporary Russia, about a man’s struggle to choose between what is right and what is convenient. Living through the conflicts, temptations, difficulties and blunders within his family and professional life, he finally makes a decision.

Dialog mit meinem Gärtner
Directed by:

"Conversation With My Gardener" focusses  in a very creative way on the lasting universal and human values that can enrich our world today, like honesty, fidelity, true love and respect for creation.

More about the festival

Ron Holloway recalls his first visit to Karlovy Vary in 1968, and contrasts it to the festival in 2007.