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In the highly competitive world of Bedouin camel racing, Ghanim dreams of seizing victory in the annual Great Safwa Race to honor his legendary grandfather, known as Hajjan—“The Jockey.” After tragedy strikes when Ghanim is thrown off his mount by a mysterious golden rider, resulting in his death, Mattar, his younger brother, sets out to restore his family’s honor by becoming a Hajjan himself. His quest for justice becomes a battle for freedom, suffused with magical realism.



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The Ecumenical Jury at SCHLiNGEL 2024 awarded its prize to "Hajjan", the second feature film by Egyptian director Abu Bakr Shawky, as well as a Special Mention to "La Petite et le Vieux" by Patrice Sauvé from Canada. The European Children's Film Jury Prize went to "Lampo, the Travelling Dog" by Magdalena Nieć from Poland.

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