The following list registers awards in two categories: "International Church Festival Awards" refers to awards given by ecumenical or interreligious juries appointed by INTERFILM and SIGNIS, or by an INTERFILM jury. "National Church Film Awards" refers to national awards made by juries supported by other organisations. Awards given by SIGNIS juries can be found at The chronological list is followed by an alphabetical one. For detailed information please click either on the film titles in the column to the right, or on the festival places left.
Church Film Awards 2023 (chronological) |
International Church Festival Awards 2023 |
Saarbrücken | 44th Film Festival Max Ophüls Prize 2023 – Award of the 9th Ecumenical Jury |
Franky Five Star | |
by Birgit Möller, Germany, 2023 | |
Berlin | 73rd International Film Festival 2023 |
Prize of the Ecumenical Jury (Competition) | |
Totém | |
by Lila Avilès, Mexico, Denmark, France, 2023 | |
Commendation of the Ecumenical Jury (Competition) | |
Sur l'Adamant | |
by Nicolas Philibert, France, Japan, 2022 | |
Prize of the Ecumenical Jury (Panorama) | |
Sages-femmes (Midwives) | |
by Léa Fehner, Ukraine, France, 2023 | |
Prize of the Ecumenical Jury (Forum) | |
Jaii keh khoda nist (Where God is Not) | |
by Mehran Tamadon, France, Switzerland, 2023 | |
Fribourg | 37e Festival International de Films 2023 – Prix du Jury Œcuménique |
Abang Adik | |
by Jin Ong, Malaysia, 2023 | |
Nyon | 54e Visions du Réel 2023, Festival international du cinema |
Prize of the Interreligious Jury | |
Pure Unknown | |
by Mattia Colombo, Valentina Cicogna, Italy, Switzerland, Sweden 2023 | |
Oberhausen | 69th International Short Film Days / 69. Internationale Kurzfilmtage 2023 |
Prize of the Ecumenical Jury (International Competition) | |
Let's be friends | |
by Arno Coenen, Rodger Werkhoven, Netherlands, 2022 | |
Commendation of the Ecumenical Jury (International Competition) | |
Every Sunday, GrandMa | |
by Laure Prouvost, France, Belgium, 2022 | |
Prize of the Ecumenical Jury (Children and Youth Film Competition) | |
Le jour de gloire (A Glorious Day) | |
by Romuald Rodriguwes Andrade, Ludovic Aklil Piette, France, 2022 | |
Cannes | 76e Festival de Cannes 2023 - 47e Prix Œcuménique |
Prize of the Ecumenical Jury | |
Perfect Days | |
by Wim Wenders, Japan, 2023 | |
Commendation of the Ecumenical Jury | |
The Old Oak | |
by Ken Loach, United Kingdom, France, Belgium, 2023 | |
Zlín | 63rd International Film Festival for Children and Youth 2023 |
Prize of the Ecumenical Jury, International Competition for Feature Films (Category Junior and Youth) | |
Juniors | |
by Hugo Thomas, France, 2022 | |
Commendation of the Ecumenical Jury, International Competition for Feature Films (Category Junior and Youth) | |
Sweet As | |
by Jub Clerc, Australia, 2022 | |
Karlovy Vary | 57th International Film Festival 2023 |
Prize of the Ecumenical Jury | |
Urotcite na Blaga (Blaga's Lessons) | |
by Stephan Komandarev, Bulgaria, Germany, 2023 | |
Commendation of the Ecumenical Jury | |
Mokalake Tsmindani (Citizen Saint) | |
by Tinatin Kajrishvili, Georgia, France, Bulgaria, 2023 | |
Locarno | 76th Festival del Film 2023 |
Prize of the Ecumenical Jury | |
Patagonia | |
by Simone Bozzelli, Italy, 2023 | |
Commendation of the Ecumenical Jury | |
Nu aştepta prea multde la sfârşitul lumii (Don't Expect Too Much From the End of the World) | |
by Radu Jude, Romania, Luxembourg, France, Croatia 2023 | |
Venice | 80th Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica 2023 |
12th INTERFILM Award for Promoting Interreligious Dialogue | |
Io capitano | |
by Matteo Garrone, Italy, Belgium, 2023 | |
Miskolc | 19th Cinefest Miskolc 2023 |
Prize of the Ecumenical Jury | |
Libertate (Freedom) | |
by Tudor Giurgiu, Romania, Hungary, 2023 | |
Chemnitz | 28th International Film Festival for Children and Young Audience “Schlingel” 2023 |
Prize of the Ecumenical Jury | |
Juniors | |
by Hugo Thomas, France, 2022 | |
Commendation of the Ecumenical Jury | |
Belek (The Gift) | |
by Dalmira Tilepbergen, Kyrgysztan, Lebanon, 2023 | |
Warsaw | 39th Warsaw Film Festival 2023 |
Prize of the Ecumenical Jury | |
Kein Wort (Not a Word) | |
by Hanna Slak, Germany, France, Slovenia, 2023 | |
Leipzig | 66th International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film 2023 |
Prize of the Interreligious Jury | |
Kumva - Ce qui vient du silence (Kumva - Which Comes From silence) | |
by Sarah Mallégol, France, 2022 | |
Lübeck | 65th Nordic Film Days Luebeck 2023 |
Church Film Prize of the INTERFILM Jury | |
Paradiset Brinner (Paradise is Burning) | |
by Mika Gustafson, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Italy, 2023 | |
Cottbus | 33rd FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival of East European Cinema 2023 |
Prize of the Ecumenical Jury | |
Blackbird Blackbird Blackberry | |
by Eleni Naveriani, Georgia, Switzerland, 2023 | |
Mannheim-Heidelberg | Prize of the Ecumenical Jury |
Una sterminata domenica (An Endless Sunday) | |
by Alain Parroni, Italy, Germany, 2023 | |
National Church Film Awards |
Tromsø | 33rd Tromsø International Film Festival 2023 |
Faith in Film Award | |
Women Talking | |
by Sarah Polley, USA, 2022 | |
Göteborg | 46th International Film Festival Göteborg 2023 |
Church of Sweden Film Award "Angelos" | |
Puss hej då (Love you bye) | |
by Annika Fredriksson, Sweden, 2023 | |
Tampere | 53rd Tampere Film Festival 2023 |
Church Media Foundation Prize | |
Wanha Markku (Under Construction) | |
by Markus Toivo, Finland, 2023 | |
Malmö | 40th International Children and Young People’s Festival BUFF Malmö |
Church of Sweden Youth Film Award | |
Bullets | |
by Peter Ponikis, Sweden, 2023 | |
Berlin | 19. Festival achtung berlin - new berlin film award |
Prize of the Ecumenical Jury | |
Die toten Vögel sind oben | |
, | by Sönje Storm, Germany, 2022 |
Commendation of the Ecumenical Jury | |
The Homes We Carry | |
Brenda Akele Jorde, Germany, 2022 | |
Nyborg | 21st Gabriel Film Prize of the Danish Church 2023 |
Den store stilhed (The Great Silence) | |
by Katrine Brocks, Denmark, 2022 | |
München | 41. Filmfest München 2023 |
One-Future-Preis der Interfilm-Akademie München | |
Siccità (Dry) | |
by Paolo Virzì, Italy, 2022 | |
Lobende Erwähnung | |
Black Box | |
by Aslı Özge, Germany, Belgium, 2023 | |
Lobende Erwähnung | |
War and Justice | |
by Marcus Vetter, Michele Gentile, Germany, 2023 | |
Ehrenpreis | |
Michael Verhoeven | |
Amsterdam | 13th World Cinema Amsterdam 2023 |
4th World Cinema Exchange Award | |
Sira | |
by Appoline Traoré, Burkina Faso, France, Germany, Senegal, 2023 | |
Biel/Bienne | 19e Festival du Film Français d’Helvétie |
Prix Célestine d'Interfilm Suisse | |
Rosalie | |
by Stéphanie De Giusto, France, 2023 | |
Oulu | 42nd International Children and Youth Film Festival |
Church Media Foundation “Look at me” Award | |
Rap and Reindeer (Revontulten räppäri) | |
by Petteri Saario, Finland, 2023 | |
Zurich | 19th Zurich Film Festival |
Ecumenical Film Award of the Zurich Churches | |
Las toreras | |
by Jackie Brutsche, Switzerland, 2023 | |
Munich | 42nd International FilmSchoolFest |
Prix Interculturel of the Interfilm Academy | |
The Boy | |
by Yahav Winner, Israel, 2022 | |
Frankfurt | FILM OF THE YEAR 2023 of the Protestant Film Jury in Germany |
Past Lives | |
by Celine Song, USA, South Corea, 2023 |
Church Film Awards 2023 (alphabetical) |
Title | Director | Award |
Abang Adik | Jin Ong | Prix du Jury Œcuménique, Fribourg, 2023 |
Belek | Dalmira Tilepbergen | Commendation of the Ecumenical Jury, Chemnitz 2023 |
Black Box | Aslı Özge | Commendation of the Interfilm Academy, Munich, 2023 |
Blackbird, Blackbird, Blackberry | Eleni Naveriani | Prize of the Ecumenical Jury, Cottbus, 2023 |
Bullets | Peter Ponikis | Church of Sweden Youth Film Award, Malmö, 2023 |
Den store stilhed (The Great Silence) | Katrine Brocks | Gabriel Film Prize of the Danish Church 2023 |
Die toten Vögel sind oben | Sönje Storm | Prize of the Ecumenical Jury, achtung berlin 2023 |
Every Sunday, GrandMa | Laure Prouvost | Commendation of the Ecumenical Jury, Oberhausen, 2023 (Int. Competition) |
Franky Five Star | Birgit Möller | Prize of the Ecumenical Jury, Saarbruecken 2023 |
Io capitano | Matteo Garrone | INTERFILM Award for Promoting Interreligious Dialogue, Venice, 2023 |
Jaii keh khoda nist (Where God is Not) | Mehran Tamadou | Prize of the Ecumenical Jury, Berlin 2023 (Forum) |
Juniors | Hugo Thomas | Prize of the Ecumenical Jury, Zlín 2023 (Int. Comp. For Feature Films, Category Junior and Youth), and |
Prize of the Ecumenical Jury, Chemnitz, 2023 | ||
Kein Wort (Not a Word) | Hanna Slak | Prize of the Ecumenical Jury, Warsaw, 2023 |
Kumva - Ce qui vient du silence (Kumva - Which Comes From silence) | Sarah Mallégol | Prize of the Interreligious Jury, Lepzig, 2023 |
Las toreras | Jackie Brutsche | Ecumenical Film Award of the Zurich Churches, Zurich, 2023 |
Le jour de gloire (A Glorious Day) | Romuald Rodrigues Andrade, Ludovic Aklil Piette | Prize of the Ecumenical Jury, Oberhausen, 2023 (Children and Youth Film Competition) |
Let's be friends | Arno Coenen, Rodger Werkhoven | Prize of the Ecumenical Jury, Oberhausen, 2023 (Int. Competition) |
Libertate (Freedom) | Tudor Giurgiu | Prize of the Ecumenical Jury, Miskolc, 2023 |
Mokalake Tsmindani (Citizen Saint) | Tinatin Kajrishvili | Commendation of the Ecumenical Jury, Karlovy Vary, 2023 |
Nu aştepta prea multde la sfârşitul lumii (Don't Expect Too Much From the End of the World) | Radu Jude | Commendation of the Ecumenical Jury, Locarno, 2023 |
Paradiset Brinner (Paradise is Burning) | Mika Gustafson | Church Film Prize of the INTERFILM Jury, Luebeck, 2023 |
Past Lives | Celine Song | FILM DES JAHRES 2023 of the Protestant Film Jury, Frankfurt |
Patagonia | Simone Bozzelli | Prize of the Ecumenical Jury, Locarno, 2023 |
Perfect Days | Wim Wenders | Prize of the Ecumenical Jury, Cannes 2023 |
Pure Unknown | Mattia Colombo, Valentina Cicogna | Prize of the Interreligious Jury, Nyon, 2023 |
Puss hej då (Love you bye) | Annika Fredriksson | Church of Sweden Film Award "Angelos", Göteborg, 2023 |
Rap and Reindeer (Revontulten räppäri) | Petteri Saario | Church Media Foundation Prize, "Look at me" Award, Oulu, 2023 |
Rosalie | Stéphaniue De Giusto | Prix Célestine d'Interfilm Suisse, Biel/Bienne, 2023 |
Sages-femmes (Midwives) | Léa Fehner | Prize of the Ecumenivcal Jury, Berlin 2023 (Panorama) |
Siccità (Dry) | Paolo Virzì | One Future Prize of the Interfilm Academy, Munich, 2023 |
Sira | Appoline Traoré | World Cinema Exchange Award, Amsterdam, 2023 |
Sur l'Adamant | Nicolas Philibert | Commendation of the Ecumenical Jury, Berlin 2023 (Int. Competition) |
Sweet As | Jub Clerc | Commendation of the Ecumenical Jury, Zlín 2023 (Int. Comp. For Feature Films, Category Junior and Youth) |
Telek (The Gift) | Dalmira Tilepbergen | Commendation of the Ecumenical Jury, Chemnitz, 2023 |
The Boy | Yahav Winner | Prix interculturel of the Interfilm Academy, Munich, 2023 |
The Homes We Carry | Brenda Akele Jorde | Commendation of the Ecumenical Jury, achtung berlin 2023 |
The Old Oak | Ken Loach | Commendation of the Ecumenical Jury, Cannes, 2023 |
Totém | Lila Avilès | Prize of the Ecumenical Jury, Berlin, 2023 (Int. Competition) |
Una sterminata domenica (An Endless Sunday) | Alain Parroni | Prize of the Ecumenical Jury, Mannheim-Heidelberg, 2023 |
Urotcite na Blaga (Blaga's Lessons) | Stephan Komandarev | Prize of the Ecumenical Jury, Karlovy Vary, 2023 |
Wanha Markku (Under Construction) | Markus Toivo | Church Media Foundation Prize, Tampere, 2023 |
War and Justice | Marcus Vetter, Michele Gentile | Commendation of the Interfilm Academy, Munich, 2023 |
Women Talking | Sarah Polley | Faith in Film Award, Tromsø, 2023 |