Festival international du Film pour enfants et adolescents

Le jury œcuménique de Zlín 2024 a décerné son prix à "Sisterhood" de Nora el Hourch (France 2023) dans la compétition internationale des longs métrages de la catégorie "Jeunesse" et une mention spéciale à "Lars is LOL" d'Eirik Sæter Stordahls (Norvège 2023) dans la catégorie "Junior" de la même compétition.

Les "Golden Slippers", les principaux prix du festival, ont été attribués au film canadien "Coco Farm" de Sébastian Gagné (meilleur film pour enfants), au film belgo-néerlandais "Young Hearts" d'Anthony Schatteman (meilleur film pour juniors), et au film turco-germano-français "Yurt" de Nehir Tuna ( meilleur film pour adolescents).


le site du festival

la page du festival sur le site de Pro-Fil


In "Lars is LOL" the 11 years old Amanda is unwillingly given the responsibility of her classmate with Down syndrome. When she fails the school's and her own moral standards in regard to bullying she has to find the courage to ask for forgiveness. The film beautifully depicts the many layers and facets of forgiveness.


The debut film of Nora el Hourch is a strong film about friendship, struggle for justice and equality in gender, social and racial/ethnical issues. Under the harsh surface of the everyday life in contemporary France shines the beauty of a story of friendship, dreams for a better future and identity for the characters of the film. The filmic language is violent, outspoken and direct – which gives it a strong authenticity.

The film deals with very controversial issues of abuse and violence in a way that doesn’t go black and white but holds a much more nuanced distinguishing between the deeds and the perpetrators as human beings with a spark of love.

The main drama of the film is the clash among the three girls, the dilemma between the fight for women rights, social rights and the basic struggle to survive with dignity at the bottom of society. (Photo: © Manny Films)

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