Directed by:

After three years of war during which he learned only to kill, a man returns to civilian life in Lima. In an original and powerful style that describes the character’s inner world and the terrible social reality all at once, this film recounts a man’s desperate resistance not only to the violence of society, but to his own inner violence as well. The unfolding of the narration shows that this violence is not a fatality.

Tausend Monate
Directed by:

In two hours the film goes through an entire palette of themes of life, with a good dose of tenderness, humanity, humour and enuineness. Moreover, the political and social reality in which the film takes place is perfectly evoked by the director.


This award consisting of Sfr. 5’000, is conferred jointly by two institutions working in development cooperation, «Action de Carême» and «Pain pour le Prochain», to the director whose film best reflects the working criteria of the two institutions in the field of North-South cooperation.


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