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Obsessed with Jackie Chan and action films, nine-year-old Jo dreams of being a superhero, but time is not on her side. When the doctors reveal that she is terminally ill, Jo leaves the hospital and returns home to be with her mom and sister. While her mom insists that she stay inside and rest, her sister has different plans. With the entire village's support, they decide to make dreams a reality and turn Jo into the superhero they know she is.


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"Supa Modo" is the winner of the Prize of the Ecumenical Jury in Zlín 2018. The Kenyan-German co-production also won the Golden Slipper, the main award of the festival.
"Supa Modo" is the winner of the Prize of the Ecumenical Jury in Zlín 2018. The Kenyan-German co-production also won the Golden Slipper, the main award of the festival.
"Supa Modo" is the winner of the Prize of the Ecumenical Jury in Zlín 2018. The Kenyan-German co-production also won the Golden Slipper, the main award of the festival.

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