The Israeli film "Geula" (Redemption), directed by Joseph Admony and Boaz Yehonatan Yakov, is the winner of the Prize of the Ecumenical Jury in Karlovy Vary 2018. The jury awarded two Commendation in addition to "Všechno bude" (Winter Flies), directed by Olmo Omerzu, and to "Miriam miente" (Miriam Lies), directed by Natalia Cabral and Oriol Estrada. The main prize of the festival, the Crystal Globe, went to "„Îmi este indiferent dac? în istorie vom intra ca barbari” (I Do Not Care If We Go Down in History as Barbarians), directed by Radu Jude from Romania. For Best Direction the international festival jury presided by Mark Cousins awarded Slovenian born director Olmo Omerzu.
Since 1994 an ecumenical jury awards prizes at the International Film Festival Karlovy Vary. 2018, it decided about a winner for the 25th time. On this occasion the festival in a special screening showed "Lucky" by John Carroll Lynch which won the ecumenical award at the Locarno film festival in 2017.
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