#Female Pleasure

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In this lucid film, which takes a global perspective, five female protagonists talk about misogynistic behaviour they experienced, hostilities they were exposed to, crimes committed against them. Rokudenashiko, a Japanese artist, is on trial for the obscenity of her art. Deborah Feldman escaped with her son from a Hassidic community in Brooklyn, leaving her husband to whom she was forcibly married. Leyla Hussein, Doris Wagner and Vithika Yadav talk about rape and mutilation, lack of legal protection, homophobia, shame and the strange feeling that one’s sexuality and body are associated with sin from birth. (Festival information, DOK Leipzig 2018)

The Interreligious Jury is entering Neuland according to the motto of DOK Leipzig 2018. It awards for the first time a Special Prize to a documentary film that has convinced its members. It does not belong to the Official Competition but to the Late Harvest. In a well-researched complexity it presents five brave women of five world religions who fight against violence and repression towards women.


The Interreligious Jury at DOK Lepzig 2018 has awarded their prize of 2500 € to "I Had a Dream" by Claudia Tosi, who has also won the Golden Dove of the International Festival Jury and the Prize of International Film Critics.

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