Natalie Fritz graduated with a Master’s degree in the Study of Religions and Scandinavian Studies from the University of Zurich. She then joined the international research group «Medien und Religion» ( at the University of Zurich where she worked as lecturer and scholar in the field of media and religion. Since 2016 she holds a PhD in the Study of Religions based on her thesis on the motif of the Holy Family in contemporary arthouse cinema. She now works at the Catholic Media Centre in Zurich as an editor for Film, Media and Religion and is coordinator of the academic online magazine «Journal for Religion, Film and Media» (JRFM, Furthermore she teaches media ethics on a regular basis at the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Chur and the Berner Fachhochschule. (Photo: © Ursula Markus)
Editor and lecturer
Country of origin
Current issues
At the Oulu's Children's and Youth International Film Festival 2024 the Church Media Foundation presented its "Look at Me..." Award to Nellie Rajala for her film "The Elf Ring".
Sascha Keilholz, director of the International Film Festival Mannheim-Heidelberg, in his greetings at the Ecumenical Reception reflects the actual political challenges after the US elections and the threats to democracy.
Café of the Propsteikirche Leipzig, Nonnenmühlgasse 2
In Budapest at the end of April 2023 INTERFILM is organising a seminar on the history of Hungarian film and the current situation in Central and Eastern Europe.