
The Ecumenical Jury (from left): Marc Bouchard, Daniela Roventa-Frumusani, Marjorie Suchocki, Andrew Faiz, Angela Prudenzi, Maria Laura Paz de Recondo

Directed by:

Because of its intricate exploration of conflicting survival needs — ecological, cultural and personal —, and their impact on family and society, our jury selects Daniel Alfredson's VARG (Wolf) for the ecumenical prize. It shows us, with cinematographic artistry, the root values that the minority culture must preserve within a dominant culture. The film suggests a spirituality that strives to hold tradition and change together, even at the cost of sacrificial love.


Teos Reise
Directed by:

The Ecumenical Jury gives a Commendation to Walter Doehner, for his film "El Viaje de Teo". Through the eyes of  a child, he shows the universal story of the desperate plight of persons driven from their home countries. Despite the trauma and loss of a failed border-crossing, Teo finds kindness, generosity and love among his own people.