The EKD (Evangelical Church in Germany) is the fellowship of the Lutheran, United and Reformed churches in Germany, and looks after the joint tasks for them. INTERFILM's partner in the EKD is the department of communication in the Church Office of the EKD. It comprises the press office, media and services, online and strategy and is chaired by Bernd Tiggemann.    

Herrenhäuser Str. 12, 30419 Hannover (Germany)

Current issues

The Protestant Film Jury in Germany has chosen the Italian film "C'e ancora domani" (Tomorrow is another day) by Paola Cortellesi as FILM OF THE YEAR 2024.
An interfaith film jury, including an INTERFILM representative for the first time, awarded the Faith in Film Award 2025 to François Ozon's "When Fall Is Coming".


From 1998 to 2007, INTERFILM awarded the European John Templeton Film Award on behalf of the Templeton Foundation. The awarded film was chosen from European films of the previous year that had been honoured by a church film organisation.


Haus der EKD, Charlottenstraße 53/54, 10117 Berlin
Café of the Propsteikirche Leipzig, Nonnenmühlgasse 2