Three teenagers on their own in a desperate search for affection embark on a wild trip through the Eternal City. The film is both a road movie and a coming-of-age story. The teenagers instinctively ask themselves the important questions about the meaning of life. Disorientation and frustration drive them to a real warning shot. Visual allusions to archaic biblical images give the film a multi-layered meaning. The birth in the final scene opens up new perspectives for the three of them.



"Una sterminata domenica" (An Endless Sunday) by Alain Parroni has won the prize of the Ecumenical Jury at the Film Festival Mannheim-Heidelberg 2023. The International Newcomer Award went to "In Flames" by Zarrar Khan, while the Rainer Werner Fassbinder Award for the best screenplay, went to Nick Pinkerton for "The Sweet East" by Sean Price Williams.

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