Der junge Werther
Directed by:

The jury awards its Prize to Le jeune Werther for the subtle and complex manner in which the film approaches the profound feelings and emotions of young people with regard to love, friendship, sexuality and death in such a way that the adult viewer can also see these things from a new perspective.

The Women of the Lake of Scented Souls
Directed by:

The film expresses hope that solidarity among women can liberate them from alienation and suffering which they often have to face in traditional societies.

Der Walzer auf der Petschora
Directed by:

The jury awards the film by Lana Gogoberidse for the sensitive and commited matter in which the director manages to combine a lament about the horrors of the Gulags during this century as seen through the eyes of a child with resistance against totalitarism using images of great poetical strength.

Antonio's Friend
Directed by:

This debut film is a coherent portrayal devoid of cheap showmanship of the painful search for identity and meaning in life on the part of ordinary people. The film also emphasises how love and trust from family and friends can lead to an affirmation of life.

Wie man sich bettet
Directed by:

The jury awards the film for the way in which damage caused by breach of trust is expressed using unconventional images, narrative structures and music.