62nd Berlin International Film Festival

The members of the Ecumenical Jury (v.l.): Alyda Faber, Angelika Obert, Cynthia Chambers (front), Mikael Larsson, Edgar Rubio, Rolf-Rüdiger Hamacher (back)

Awards of the Ecumenical Jury
Caesar Must Die
Cäsar muss sterben

In the world of prison life the power of freedom through art superbly is manifested by inmates of maximum security reenacting Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. Their gripping discoveries of character similitarites arouse compassion for the human condition.

War Witch
Directed by:

The horror of a young girl's life when taken from her village by rebels to be trained as a child soldier is depicted by scenes of Congo warfare softened by the sweet innocence of a youthful love. Komona, the girl and war witch, escapes this existence to provide a message of redeeming hope.

The Wall
Die Wand

"Die Wand" tells the story of a woman mysteriously trapped inside transparent walls near an alpine cabin which shut her off from human companionship and require physical labour to survive. The film's original and atmospheric cinematography accompanies an intense solo performance by Martina Gedeck. Through her care for animals and a solitary immersion in nature she moves beyond chaotic self-preoccupation towards a liberating though sober understanding of love as a unifying and humanizing power.

The Parade
Directed by:

With effective use of comedy, this energetic film considers the challenges of mounting a gay pride parade in Belgrade. The certainty of extreme violence in response leads to an unexpected and touching alliance between former ethnic foes and gay activists.

The Delay
Directed by:

"La Demora" expresses compassion for demented elderly caught in the overburdened care of family. When a daughter abandons her depending father, his steadfast wait for her return draws a community of heartfelt hope. Through a superb dramatic performance one observes the painful condition of family responsibility.

More about the festival

Jury member Alyda Faber reports about the Berlinale 2012


The Ecumenical Jury, appointed by INTERFILM and SIGNIS, awards prizes in the International Competition, the Panorama and the International Forum of Young Cinema. The Panorama and the Forum prize carry a prize money of 2500.- € each, donated by the Catholic Film Work in Germany and the EKD (Evangelical Church in Germany).


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