
"Landrauschen" (The Murmur of the Country), directed by Lisa Miller, is the big winner of the Film Festival Max Ophuels Prize 2018. The film not only won the main award of the festival, the Max Ophuels Prize for the best film, but also the Fritz-Raff-Prize for the best screenplay, and the award of the Ecumenical Jury. At the award ceremony director Lisa Miller said that she enjoyed especially the prize of the churches. It is a sign of tolerance by Christians, she said. The film, a comedy, deals with the attitude towards homosexuals in church institutions, among others. The Prize of the Governor of the Saarland was awarded to "Blue My Mind", directed by Lisa Brühlmann. In the competion of the festival which is dedicated to young German speaking cinema 16 films were screened. German director Doris Dörrie received an Honorary Award for her life time achievement. 

Link: Festival-Website

Directed by:

People are different. Adaptation is necessary. “To you or to me?”
A dynamic rhythm and a lot of humour create a loving kaleidoscope of all possible contrasts, city and country, man and woman, old and young, tradition and modernity, locals and strangers, convention and courage, diverse forms of love - and all this in Bubenhausen! "Home is where you find yourself," says Lisa Miller in “Landrauschen”.

Festival films


The Prize of the Ecumenical Jury is endowed with € 2500, donated by the Catholic and the Evangelical Adult Education in the Saarland.


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