There's Still Tomorrow
Morgen ist auch noch ein Tag
Directed by
Paola Cortellesi, director and main actress, in "There's Still Tomorrow" (© Tobis)

Rome, 1946 after the liberation from fascism. Delia (Paola Cortellesi) is the wife of Ivano (Valerio Mastandrea) and the mother of three children. Two roles she fulfils with devotion. On top of this, she helps out the household budget with lots of small jobs to keep the family afloat. Ivano, on the other hand, feels entitled to remind everyone who the breadwinner is. And not just with words. Physical and psychological violence are part of Delia's everyday life. Until a mysterious letter arrives that gives her the courage to throw everything overboard and wish for a better life, and not just for herself ... (Press information)


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