Evangelical theologian and indologist
Country of origin
Freek L. Bakker received his PhD in 1993 at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam about Indonesian-Balinese Hinduism. From 1977-2003 he was a Protestant pastor in the Netherlands, 2003-2017 assistant professor of religious studies and film. He is a member and since 1997 chairman of the dialogue group of Hindus and Christians of the National Dutch Council of Churches. He has published various articles and books on religion and film, including The Challenge oft he Silver Screen: An Analysis of the Cinematic Portraits of Jesus, Rama, Buddha, and Mohammad (Leiden et al.: Brill 2009) and in Dutch Jezus in beeld: Een studie naar zijn verschijnen op het witte doek (Westervoort: Van Gruting 2011).