Pastor and theologian

Since the time of her studies, which she completed with a thesis about "Salvation in Film", Inge Kirsner is working in academics and profession with the subject "Religion and Cinema". She accompanies and organizes film series during the German Protestant Church Days since 1995, worked as a teacher in adult education and practices as pastor the genre of film services. She supervises and organizes the work with film in school and parish and writes books about it. Since 2013 she teaches as Adj. Professor at the University and since 2018 she is High School Pastor in Tübingen. Her publoications include "Komm und sieh: Religion und Film" (Come and see: Religion in film, 2020), "Kirchenbilder und Menschenbildung" (Church images and human formation, habilitation, 2013), "Wo finden wir die blaue Fee? Spiritualität im Film" (Where do we find the blue fairy? Spirituality in film, together with Thomas H. Böhm, 2008).

Current issues

At the Oulu's Children's and Youth International Film Festival 2024 the Church Media Foundation presented its "Look at Me..." Award to Nellie Rajala for her film "The Elf Ring".
Sascha Keilholz, director of the International Film Festival Mannheim-Heidelberg, in his greetings at the Ecumenical Reception reflects the actual political challenges after the US elections and the threats to democracy.


Café of the Propsteikirche Leipzig, Nonnenmühlgasse 2
In Budapest at the end of April 2023 INTERFILM is organising a seminar on the history of Hungarian film and the current situation in Central and Eastern Europe.

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