Youth deacon
Country of origin

Svenja Leppin (*1997) is a youth deacon in Nusse in the district of the Herzogtum Lauenburg. In 2020, she completed her studies in Religious Education and Social Work in Hanover. In her bachelor's thesis, she dealt with the challenges and opportunities presented by social media for the Protestant Church in Germany. In the churches in her region, Leppin organises film screenings followed by discussion groups on the topics of anti-racism, sustainability and other religions.


Current issues

Film from New Zealand wins Prize and INTERFILM diploma at BUFF Malmö 2025
Comment by Peter Paul Huth on the decisions of the international festival jury


Haus der EKD, Charlottenstraße 53/54, 10117 Berlin
Café of the Propsteikirche Leipzig, Nonnenmühlgasse 2

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