Kyona, the female protagonist, tells of the raid on her home village, the family's escape, the loss of her parents and younger siblings. Together with her brother Adriel, she embarks on an odyssey to reach the continent of freedom beyond the sea.

As a universal escape story the animated film, realised in strong and colorful hand-painted oil-on-glass images, tells a stirring and multifaceted story of flight and migration, exploitation and violence, solidarity and friendship – and of growing up.


The Ecumenical Jury awarded its Prize to "La traversée" by Florence Miailhe from France and a Commendation to "Rhino" by Arturo Castro Godoy from Argentina. The top award of the festival, the Prize of the Sächsische Landesmedienanstalt (SLM), went to "A Second Life" by Anis Lassoued (Tunisia).

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