"The Journey of the Prince" by Jean-François Laguinie and Xavier Picard (France 2020) won the Prize of the Ecumenical Jury in Chemnitz 2020. A Commendation was given to "Sister" by Alexander Galibin, who was also awarded the Prize of the city of Chemnitz. The main prize of the Saxon State Media Authority (SLM) was awarded to "Moon Rock for Monday" by Kurt Martin (Australia 2020).
The classically narrated, touching children's film leads into a remote Bashkir village at the end of the Second World War. The pranks of the 6-year-old Jamil reflect this time and the longing for the return of his father from the Front. The loving reception of the frightened orphan girl Oksana in the family becomes a powerful image of friendship, trust, responsibility and confidence. Outstanding: the performances of the two young protagonists.