INTERFILM wird 1955 in Paris von Vertretern der deutschen, französischen, holländischen und schweizerischen evangelischen Filmarbeit gegründet. Generalsekretär wird Jan Hes aus den Niederlanden, der diese Funktion bis zu seinem Tod 1991 ausübte.
1961 wird der erste INTERFILM-Preis verliehen. Er geht an "Wilde Erdbeeren" von Ingmar Bergman.
Die ersten Festival-Jurys entstehen 1963 in Berlin und Mannheim, 1964 folgt Oberhausen, 1968 Cannes - das aufgrund der Studentenproteste abgebrochen wird; der erste INTERFILM-Preis in Cannes wird deshalb erst 1969 verliehen. Er geht an "Easy Rider" von Dennis Hopper.
1973 wird in Locarno die erste ökumenische Jury ins Leben gerufen, deren Mitglieder von INTERFILM und OCIC (Office Catholique International de Cinema, später SIGNIS) benannt werden. Weitere ökumenische Jurys werden in Cannes (1974) und Montréal (1979) gebildet. Seit den 90er Jahren sind die meisten Festivaljurys mit INTERFILM-Beteiligung ökumenisch. Eigene INTERFILM-Jurys arbeiten in Lübeck (seit 1996) und Venedig (seit 2011).
Seit 1989 prägen Hans Werner Dannowski als Präsident (bis 2004) und Hans Hodel als Jury-Koordinator, ab 2004 auch als Präsident, die Arbeit von INTERFILM.
2005 feiert INTERFILM sein 50. Jubiläum in Locarno. Im gleichen Jahr erscheint die Dissertation von Julia Helmke, "Kirche, Film und Festivals. Geschichte sowie Bewertungskriterien evangelischer und ökumenischer Juryarbeit in den Jahren 1948 bis 1988".
Link: Würdigung der Dissertation von Julia Helmke durch Hans Werner Dannowski als PDF
2013 wird Julia Helmke zur INTERFILM-Präsidentin gewählt. Die Jury-Koordination wird weiterhin von Hans Hodel wahrgenommen.
Neben dem Kernthema der Festivalbeobachtung und -bewertung veranstaltet INTERFILM auch regelmäßig Seminare und Konferenzen, die erste bereits 1957 in Swanwick (UK), 1966 in Arnoldshain bei Frankfurt/M, mehrfach in den Niederlanden und der Schweiz, 1987 in Colombo. 1997 beginnt in Bad Segeberg eine Seminarreihe unter dem Titel "Faces of Europe - Europe's Face", die in Riga (1999), Sofia (2001), Iasi (2003) und auf Kreta (2004) fortgesetzt wird.
Zur Berlinale 2000 wird die erste INTERFILM-Website freigeschaltet.
Marks in the history of INTERFILM
from 1955-2005
General Assemblys and other meetings
by Hans Hodel
Film Congres of the “Service Cinémathographique d’Evangelisation (SERCINEV) in Paris with representatives of the World Council of Churches (WCC) and of church film services from several European countries with propositions for future collaboration.
22th October
(1.) Gründungsversammlung in the „Maison du Protestantisme“ in Paris
- Foundation INTERFILM under the names: International Interchurch Film Centre; Centre International Evangelique du Film and Internationales Evangelisches Filmzentrum.
- First members Commission du Cinéma des Eglises Suisses Romande; Filmcentrum Holland; Filmwerk der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland; Office Cinématographique de l’Eglise Neuchâteloise; Service Cinématographique d’Evangelisation (Sercinev) France.
- President: Rev. Henri de Tienda (France);
- General Secretary: Dr. Jan Hes (The Netherlands)
14th-15th January
1st meeting of the Board of Directors in Paris
3rd May
2nd meeting of the Board of Directors at the Ecumenical Institute in Bossey/Geneva during the ecumenical consultation about audiovisual media of the Information Dept. of the WCC Geneva, with observers from the church film services from Denmark, Belgium, Norway, Italy, and from the United Bible Societies
- New members: Christian Cinema and Religious Film Society (Grand Britain); Filmstelle des Oberkirchenrates (Austria).
- First edition of the „Information“ from the „Centre International Evangelique du Film“ by Rev. Werner Hess on July 15, 1956, with 36 pages.
26.-29. September
2nd General Assembly in Wien/Vienna (Austria)
- New members: Christian Film Council Norway; Kirkliga Filmbyrros Sweden; “Protestantischer Film- und Radioverband“ Switzerland
16th –21th June
International Film Conference „Film in the Church“ in Swanwick (UK) unter dem Patronat des WCC, u.a. mit Dr. J. Stuhlmacher, Matthiasfilm Stuttgart, Rev. Werner Hess, Germany, Dr. Friedrich Hochstrasser, Switzerland
18th June
Meeting of the Board of Directors in Swanwick (UK)
13.-15. Mai
3rd General Assembly in Copenhagen (Denmark)
29. Mai-1.Juni
4th General Assembly in Lucerne/Luzern (Switzerland)
- Screening of new films, like “Calvin”, “Rembrandt”, “Des andern Last”
- Conference by Mady de Tienda about “Film in the christian education” (in French)
- The General Secretary in Hilversum is now the official seat of INTERFILM
- The new President is Dr. Friedrich Hochstrasser, Lucerne (Switzerland)
16.-18. Mai
5th General Assembly in Hamburg (Germany)
- Thema: „Filmkritik und biblische Filme“,
- Referat von Dr. Stefanie von Prochaska, Film- und Fernsehbeauftragte (Wien)
- Erstmalige (und einmalige) Herausgabe eines Film-Jahrbuchs in deutscher Sprache Nr. 1-1959/60, 70 Seiten.
21.-23. April
6th General Assembly in Utrecht (The Netherlands)
- Erster INTERFILM-Preis für den besten Spielfilm an „Wilde Früchte“ (Wilde Erdbeeren/Wild Strawberries/Les Fraises Sauvages) von Ingmar Bergmann, Schweden, 1957/58.
26th –29th April
7th General Assembly in Brussels (Belgium)
- Leitsätze zum Thema „Mensch und Massenmedien“
- Zweiter Filmpreis für den besten Spielfilm an „Frage 7“ (Question Seven) von Stuart Rosenberg, USA/BRD 1960.
9th-12th May
8th General Assembly in Stockholm (Sweden)
- Thema „Kirche und Filmproduktion“, Referat von Dr. B. Lauritzen (Stockholm)
- Short film Award for „Andras Bördör“ by Per Söderberg, Sweden and Commencation for the fiction film „The miracle worker” by Arthur Penn, USA.
- Das Informationsblatt von INTERFILM soll nun monatlich erscheinen.
Die Jury der INTERFILM, die zum erstenmal am Filmfestival in Berlin einen Preis verleiht, zeichnet den Film „Lilien auf dem Felde“ von Ralph Nelson mit der Luther-Rose aus.
Erste INTERFILM-Jury an der „Mannheimer Dokumentar-und Kurzfilmwoche“ (später: Internationale Filmwoche Mannheim bzw. Internationales Filmfestival Mannheim-Heidelberg) und Auszeichnung des Kurzfilms „Italia proibita“ von Enzo Biagi“ mit der Luther-Rose.
23.-24. April
9th General Assembly in London (United Kingdom)
- Verleihung von Kurzfilmpreisen
- Aufnahme neuer Mitglieder aus Nordamerika
1st INTERFILM Award at the International Short Film Festival Oberhausen:
Luther-Rose in Form einer Medaille und dotiert mit 3'000 DM gestiftet von der Evangelischen Kirche im Rheinland an „Automania“ von John Halas (UK).
8.-10. October
10th General Assembly in Paris (France)
- Thema: „Die geistigen Einflüsse der neuen Bildwelt auf den modernen Menschen“
- Neben dem Präsidenten wird die Funktion einer Chairperson des Board of Directors geschaffen und hierzu Oberkirchenrat Dr. Hermann Gerber (Germany) gewählt.
Erster (und einmaliger) INTERFILM-Preis am Filmfestival Locarno für „Aarhoi“ (Der Aufstieg“) von Tapon Sinha (Indien)
Silberner INTERFILM-Award an der Internationalen Filmwoche Arnhem (NL) an Sidney Lumet für sein Werk.
Die Radio- und Filmkommission des Nationalen Rates der Protestantischen Kirchen Amerikas verleiht Preise an fünf Filme, u.a. an „Der Pfandleiher“ von Martin Ritt.
14.-15. February
11th General Assembly in Oberhausen (Germany)
- Rückblick von Jan Hes auf zehn Jahre INTERFILM.
Grosser Preis von INTERFILM für das filmische Werk von Norman McLaren am Filmfestival von Edingburgh.
1st Audio Visual Aids (AVA) Consultation about „Bible and Image“ in Lage Vuursche (NL)
1st Study Conference together with the Academy Arnoldshain (Germany):
- Referate von Dr.Friedrich.Hochstrasser (Luzern), Prof. Dr. Alphons Silbermann (Lausanne/Köln), und dem Generalbevollmächtigten des C.Bertelsmann-Verlags, Dr. M. Köhnlechner (Gütersloh), dem Verleiher, Produzent und Theaterbesitzer Hanns Eckelkamp (Duisburg) und dem Abteilungsleiter beim ZDF, Klaus Brüne (Wiesbaden).
- Der epd-Informationsdienst Kirche und Film“ publizierte in einer Sonderausgabe vom 10.10.66 den Wortlaut bzw. die wichtigsten Passagen einiger Vorträge.
31rd March-2nd April
2nd AVA-Consultation „Looking on Images“ in Lage Vuursche (NL)
3.-5. April
12th General Assembly in Oberhausen (Germany)
- Theme: „What can the Churches do to promote the good film?”
2.-4. October
2nd INTERFILM Study Conference at Oud-Poelegest (NL)
- Theme: „Film and the changing morality“
INTERFILM Award 1967 to the Dutch cinematographer Bert Haanstra for the totality of his work.
„A Man of all Seasons”, directed by Fred Zinnemann is the first film in the USA to be awarded both by Protestant and Catholic Film Commissions.
Dr. Jan Hes, Generalsekretär von INTERFILM, wird zum Direktor des Niederländischen Filminstituts und zum Generaldelegierten der niederländischen Filmakademie ernannt.
21th-27th January
1st INTERFILM-Jury at the Agricultural Film Festival in Berlin. Award for “Un Cri”, by Armand Chartier.
5. April
13.General Assembly in Oberhausen (Germany)
- Theme: „The short film in church and school“, Conference, held by Arthur Lomas, England.
Erstmals INTERFILM-Jury am Internat.Filmfestival Cannes, das aufgrund der Studentenunruhen frühzeitig abgebrochen wird. Jury mit Mady de Tienda (Frankreich), Dr.F.Hochstrasser (Schweiz), Ernest McEven (USA), Dietmar Schmidt (Deutschland). Es kommt zu keiner Preisverleihung.
7.-10. June
3rd AVA-Consultation in London: “Audio-Visual Experiments in Worship”
4.-20. July
1st Ecumenical Film Festival at the 4th Assembly of the WCC in Uppsala.
First screening of John Taylor’s short films“Homo Homini” and “Acceleration”.
3rd Study Conference in Arnoldshain
- Theme: „Marks of the Gospel in modern filming“.
23. March
14th General Assembly in Oberhausen (Germany)
- Nach dem Rücktritt von Dr.Hermann Gerber als Filmbeauftragter Deutschlands wird Arthur Lomas (London) neuer Chairman.
1st INTERFILM award at the Film Festival in Cannes for the film „Easy Rider“ by Peter Fonda und Denis Hopper.
4th AVA-Consultation „Wort und Bild –Mittel der Kommunikation“ im Haus Villigst in Schwerte
4.-5. October
Extraordinary General Assembly in Arnhem (NL)
- Changes in the Statutes to build an organizational structure for Interfilm that is more world-wide that the present one. New: The Presidency would change from year to year within the Central Committee.
- President for 1970: Dr.Friedrich Hochstrasser resp. Ernest McEwen (USA).
6.-11. October
4th Study Conference in Arnhem (NL)
Die in NewYork geplante Generalversammlung kann nicht stattfinden, „because the internal organization of Interfilm in North America had not yet been completed.“
8.-11. Mai
5th AVA-Consultation “New Media – new possibilities“ in Hedenesse/NL
26.-27. April
15th General Assembly in Oberhausen (Germany)
- Statutenrevision: New individual membership to people who are active in the field of film and audiovisuals.
- President for 1971: Rolando Zapata (Mexico)
- Honorary President: Dr.Friedrich Hochstrasser, Lucerne (Switzerland)
17th-20th May
1st OCIC/INTERFILM AVA-Consultation in Gwatt a/Thunersee (Switzerland).
about the use of short films and audiovisual aids in the service of the Christian message and responsibility, with 90 participants
24.-26. April
16th General Assembly in Oberhausen (Germany)
- Teilnehmer: Mme Mady de Tienda (France), Dr. Gerd Albrecht (Western Germany), Dr. R.Boeke, Drs Jan Hes and Mr.Wim Los (Netherlands), John Taylor (WCC), Rev. Dölf Rindlisbacher (Switzerland), Lars Sundh (Sweden)
- Rev. Harald Töns (Gelsenkirchen), der sich besonders im AVA-Bereich engagiert hat, tritt aus gesundheitlichen Gründen von seiner Funktion zurück und wird zum Ehrenmitglied ernannt.
- Präsident für 1972: Lars Sundh (Schweden)
9.-10. April
17th General Assembly (1st part: administrative session) in Oberhausen
27. Mai
17th General Assembly (2nd part) in Vienna/Wien (Austria)
27.-31. Mai
2nd OCIC/INTERFILM AVA-Consultation in Wien/Vienna
2.-12. August
1st Ecumenical Jury by OCIC and INTERFILM at the Film Festival in Locarno.
Members for INTERFILM are: Per Haddal (Norway), Jan Hes (Netherlands), Dölf Rindlisbacher (Switzerland).
22.-24. April
18th General Assembly in Oberhausen (Germany)
- Nomination of the curatorium for the Interfilm-Academy, a project for advanced studies in responsible AV communication.
- New ExCom: Dr. Gerd Albrecht (Germany), Dölf Rindlisbacher (Switzerland), John Taylor (WCC).
Meeting of the CentCom of WACC, the World Association for Christian Communication, which would like to develop into a multimedia institute.
1st Ecumenical Jury by OCIC and INTERFILM at the Film Festival in Cannes.
5.-6. Mai
19th General Assembly in Oberhausen (Germany)
12th May
Foundation of the World Association for Christian Communication in London (WACC). General Secretary: Dr.Hans-Wilhelm Florin (Hamburg).
24.-25. October
20th General Assembly in Paris (France)
zum 20jährigen Bestehen von INTERFILM (see reports No 26/27, S.47) and 25th anniversary Congress by „Film et Vie France“
- New Honorary Members: Pfr.Henri de Tienda (Paris), Dr. Anton Dronkers (Utrecht)
24. November-9.December
2nd Ecumenical Film Festival at the 5th Assembly of the WCC in Nairobi
1.-3. März
Study Conference together with GEP in Arnoldshain
26.-27. April
21st General Assembly in Oberhausen (Germany)
Present are only five members(!). See reports No 30/31, p.6)
- New president: John Taylor (WCC)
- Jan Hes will represent INTERFILM in the CentCom of WACC
28th May-2nd June
First INTERFILM Award and commendation at the 19th American Film Festival
First INTERFILM-Jury at the International Festival of Animated Film in Annecy, France, intiated by John Taylor (Reports No 32/33)
22nd-23rd June
22nd General Assembly in Berlin (Germany)
27th-29th October
Seminar of the INTERFILM Academy in Brunswick (Germany)
Theme: “Passions of film analysis”
21.-23. Juni
INTERFILM Study Conference in Bern-Bürenpark (Switzerland)
- Theme: „The christian message and the social-critical film“.
23rd June
23rd General Assembly in Berne (Switzerland
25.-26. Mai
24th General Assembly during the 21nd American Film Festival in New York
- New structure based on three regions: Europe, North America, Developing Countries.
- It is understood, that the Interfilm-Academy is not a separate institution, but a function of INTERFILM.
- NetWIC (Network of Women in Communication)
- INTERFILM has 38 member organisations and 112 individual members.
1st Ecumenical Jury by OCIC and INTERFILM at the World Film Festival in Montréal
13.-15, November
2. Europ.Gruppenmedien-Konsultation (Film und Gruppenmedien) mit WACC Europa
20.-21. September
25th General Assembly in Hilversum (The Netherlands)
im Rahmen eines Symposions als Teil des 19. „Festikon“
- New President: Carlos Valle, (Argentinien)
- Eckart Bruchner (München) new Secretary of the Interfilm-Academy
- New Honorary Members: Mady de Tienda (France), Rudolph Boeke (Netherlands), Roger Durupthy (Switzerland), Hermann Gerber (Germany)
28.-29. November
3. Europ.Gruppenmedien-Konsultation in Arnoldshain
15th-17th June
4th Women-Workshop by INTERFILM Europe in Berne
17.-20. Juni
26th General Assembly in Geneva/Genf (Switzerland)
im Rahmen einer Studienkonferenz zum Thema „Jugend und Kino“, organized by Maurice Terrail
9. April
Tod von John P. Taylor, Filmmaker and photographer of the WCC Geneva, former President of INTERFILM.
8.-10. Mai
27th General Assembly in Zeist (The Netherlands))
25. September
28th General Assembly in Ravensburg (Germany)
25th July-6th August
3rd Ecumenical Film Fortnight at the 6th Assembly of the WCC in Vancouver with a retrospective of John Taylor’s films, coordinated by Jan Hes on the request of the Communication Department of the WCC.
1st-2nd November
Film seminar in Copenhagen about religious dimensions in Film
30. Juni
29th General Assembly in München (Germany)
- Board if Director for 1984-88: Carlos A. Valle, Buenos Aires (for Latin America/Caribbean), Elisabeth Okarenje, Nairobi (for Africa), Felix Permawardhana, Colombo (for Asia/Pacific), Dölf Rindlisbacher, Berne (for Europe),, Amal Dibo, Beirut (for Middle East), James M.Wall, Chicago (for North America) and Jan Hes, General Secretary. President is Carlos A.Valle.
1st INTERFILM-Jury am Max Ophüls-Festival in Saarbrücken
June, 27th-28th
6th Women’s Workshop of INTERFILM in Munich, led by Katharina Jung (Berne), President of INTERFILM’s Women’s Committee. Theme: “Fear and how to deal with it”. Participation of more than 30 women from the Federal Republic of Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the USA.
8.-11. November
30rd General Assembly in Paris (France)
- Some minor changes in the statutes, which include the Women’s Committee;
- Hans W. Dannowski, the new Film Commissioner of the EKD is elected chairman of the ExCom and new member of the Board of Directors;
- Gerd Albrecht is new President of the Interfilm Academy Committee.
- New in the Board of Directors are therefore: Hans W.Dannowski (Germany), Gerd Albrecht (Germany), Conrad Boerma (WCC) and Katharina Jung (Switzerland).
- New Honorary President: Henri de Tienda (France).
Carlos A.Valle, since 1982 President of INTERFILM, has been elected as the new General Secretary of WACC. At the occasion of the meeting of the CentCom of WACC in Neumarket/England, a meeting of the Board of Directors of INTERFILM appointed Amal Dibo from Beirut/Lebanon as the new President.
21st-29th June
1st One-Future-Award of the Interfilm-Academy Munich at the 4st Filmfest Munich for “Half Life” by Dennis O’Rourke.
9th-13th January
1st Inter-Cultural Film Seminar in Colombo followed by an Intercultural-Study tour in Sri Lanka, organised by Felix Premawardhana, Head of the Comm. Dept. of the National Christian Council
31st General Assembly in Colombo (Sri Lanka)
- Genehmigung des Jahresberichts 1986
- Gerd Albrecht remains as Chairman of the Interfilm Academy Committee
28. Juni
32nd General Assembly in München (Germany)
- Genehmigung der Jahresrechnung 1986 und Budget 1987.
- Entscheid, am „Agricultural Film- and Television Festival Berlin“ wegen ausbleibender finanzieller Unterstützung keine Jury mehr zu entsenden.
17.-19. Juni
Internat. Kongress des Frauenkomitees Interfilm in Bern
Thema: „Mitenand – 2000“: Gerechtigkeit, Frieden, Bewahrung der Schöpfung
19. Juni
33rd General Assembly in Berne (Switzerland)
- New President: Das Präsidium von INTERFILM wird anstelle der „verschollenen“ Amal Dibo kommissarisch von Hans Werner Dannowski (Hannover) übernommen.
1st Ecumenical Jury by OCIC and INTERFILM together with delegates of the Russian-Orthodox Church at the Film Festival in Moscou.
Members for INTERFILM are Rüdiger Schloz and Hans Hodel.
3.-5. November
34th General Assembly in Hannover (Germany)
Change of Statutes:
- Unification of the function of President of the Association and Chairman of the ExCom:
- Meeting of the General Assembly at least every four years;
- acceptation of the Festival Coordinator as a member of the Board.
- Hans W. Dannowski (Germany) is elected officially President of INTERFILM;
- James M.Wall (USA) and Felix Premawardhana (Sri Lanka) were elected Vice-Presidents;
- Hans Hodel (Switzerland) is elected as the new Jury co-ordinator.
15. September Tod von Jan Hes, General Secretary of INTERFILM
1st Ecumenical Jury at the Leipzig International Festival for Documentaries and Animation Films.
1st Ecumenical Jury by OCIC and INTERFILM at the International Filmfestival Berlin (including the International Forum for Young Cinema).
22st February
Foundation of Pro-Fil France in Paris by Jean Domon
17. November
35rd General Assembly in Arnoldshain (Germany)
- Im Rahmen einer Statutenrevision wird die Schaffung selbständiger Regionen von INTERFILM Global beschlossen.
- Hans W.Dannowski wird sowohl als Präsident von INTERFILM Europa wiedergewählt wie auch als Präsident von INTERFILM Global gewählt.
Erste Oekumenische Jury in St.Petersburg
1st Ecumenical Jury by INTERFILM and OCIC at the IFF in Karlovy Vary.
24. September
36st General Assembly in Geneva/Genf (Switzerland)
- Jubiläumsveranstaltung 40 Jahre INTERFILM
1st Ecumenical Jury at the International Filmfestival Mannheim-Heidelberg.
1st INTERFILM-Jury at the Nordic Film Days in Lübeck.
„Gesichter Europas – Europas Gesicht“. Eine nordisch-deutsche Filmbegegnung von INTERFILM in der Akademie Bad Segeberg (Deutschland)
15. Oktober
37th General Assembly in Mannheim-Heidelberg (Germany)
Stiftung eines jährlichen European John Templeton Film Awards
Studienprojekt „Film und Theologie“ von Lothar Warneke an der HFF Postdam-Babelsberg
Internat. Filmseminar by INTERFILM, WACC and ProFil in Nimes (France): „Europa eine Seele geben“. Ein filmischer Blick auf die Länder Südeuropas.
7.-11. April
„Integration and desintegration – Europe’s two faces“. North-East European film conference of INTERFILM and WACC in Riga (Latvia).
1st Ecumenical Jury at the Film Festival Molodist in Kyjiw.
1st Ecumenical Jury by INTERFILM and OCIC at the Festival for East-European Cinema in Cottbus (Germany).
North European Film Meeting and Seminar in Örebro (Sweden) by INTERFILM, WACC and the Kulturrad of the Swedish Church
1st Ecumenical Jury at the film festival for children and youth in Zlin
18. November
38th General Assembly in Mannheim-Heidelberg (Germany)
- Alexandr Askoldov (Russia), Wim Koole (Netherlands, Dölf Rindlisbacher and Maurice Terrail (Switzerland) and Fee Vaillant (Germany) new Honorary Members.
- Statutenrevision mit dem Ziel, schlankere Strukturen einzurichten; Präsidium anstelle des ExCom und Verkleinerung des Leitungsausschusses/SteerCom; Generalversammlung neu mindestens alle drei (statt bisher vier) Jahre,
Verantwortung für die Oekumenische am Festival de Film du Sud in Fribourg (Suisse) durch SIGNIS und INTERFILM.
1st Ecumenical Jury by OCIC and INTERFILM at the film festival in Bratislava
Images of different faiths in Cinema- and TV-films in Balkan Countries
Seminar by “Svetlina” and WACC/INTERFILM and DEZA in Sofia (Bulgaria)
8.-9. November
„(Dis)Regarding the Image“ - The new controversy about the image in present cinema. A SIGNIS/WACC/INTERFILM-Seminar in Mannheim
2.-5. October
„Stories and Signs of Hope in Cinema“
A WACC/INTERFILM/SIGNIS-Seminar in Iasi (Romania)
6.-7. November
Europas ferner Osten. Gespräche zum russischen Film in Cottbus
30. April
39th General Assembly in Oberhausen (Germany)
im Rahmen der 50. Internat. Kurzfilmtage.
- Neue Statuten: INTERFILM wird wieder eine internationale Vereinigung.
- Wahl eines neuen Steering Committes; Wahl von Hans Hodel zum Präsidenten.
- Hans W.Dannowski (Germany) zum Ehrenpräsidenten ernannt.
- Ehrenmitglieder; Ron Holloway (Germany), Felix E.Premawardhana (Sri Lanka), James M. Wall (USA), Carlos A.Valle (Argentina).
Jubiläums-Filmprogramm: 40 Jahre Interfilm-Präsenz in Oberhausen
18.-26. September
1st INTERFILM-Jury at the Film Festival Arsenals in Riga (Latvia).
October 20-24
„Iconography and Modern Film Culture“, An INTERFILM/WACC-Seminar in the Orthodox Academy of Crete/Kolympari with 35 participants from 12 countries.
4th November
Lecture with the 7th European John Templeton Film Award of the Year 2003 “The Return” by Andrej Sviagintsev in Cottbus.
Marks in the history of INTERFILM
Part II, 2005-2015 │ 60 YEARS INTERFILM
General assemblies, meetings and special events
13th February
Award Ceremony of the 8th European John Templeton Film Award of the Year 2004 for the film “Yasmin” by Kenny Glenaan, endowed by the John Templeton Foundation for the first time with € 10’000.
14th February
Annual meeting of the SteerCom during the Berlinale
18th-24th April
1st Interreligious Jury by SIGNIS and INTERFILM (with the support of the Swiss Catholic Church and the John Templeton Foundation) at the Film Festival “Visions du Reel” in Nyon (Switzerland).
1st John Templeton Award for Documentary Film at the “Visions du Reel” in Nyon, in collaboration with INTERFILM, which is endowed by the John Templeton Foundation with CHF 5’000 (closing down after three years).
20th May
Reception in Cannes for the Ecumenical Jury, hosted by Jacques Charlier, with a surprising birthday-cake by Corinne and Emmanuel Eugène Dit Rochesson to celebrate the 50th anniversary of INTERFILM.
6th-7th August
50th anniversary of INTERFILM. Presentation of the publication on INTERFILM’s history:
▪ Julia Helmke, Hans Hodel, Karsten Visarius: Church and Film in Dialogue/Kirche und Film im Dialog. Fifty Years INTERFILM 1955-2005, 165 pages, 800 Ex. Additional publications:
▪ Julia Helmke: Kirche, Film und Festivals. Geschichte sowie Beurteilungskriterien Evangelischer und Ökumenischer Juryarbeit in den Jahren 1948-1988, Band XI in der Reihe “Studien zur Christlichen Publizistik”, Erlangen 2005, 479 S.
▪ Philip Lee (WACC), Media Development no 1/2005 “Celebrating Cinema”
Celebration in Locarno with a lecture on INTERFILM’s history by Julia Helmke and a round-table discussion with Hans W. Dannowski, Karsten Visarius, Christine Stark, Peter Malone, Charles Martig and Rose Pacatte.
26st September
Apéro at the General Assembly of Pro-Fil in Paris to commemorate the foundation of INTERFILM on 22nd October in Paris. Greetings by Jean-Arnold de Clermont, President of the “Fédération des Églises Protestantes de France” and the Conference of the European Churches (CEC), Marc Aellen, General Secretary of SIGNIS, and Jean Lods, President of ProFil.
Jean Domon, the founder of ProFil, is appointed Honorary member of INTERFILM.
6th November
To mark the 50th anniversary of INTERFILM and also the 10th jury of the INTERFILM Church Prize at the Nordic Film Days in Lübeck, the festival is screening Lars von Trier’s film “Breaking the Waves”, the first Church Film Prize in Lübeck in 1996. Introductory talk about the film by the jury member Julia Helmke.
19th/20th November
Meeting of the SteerCom in Mannheim, assisting the screening of “Katzelmacher” by Rainer W. Fassbinder, awarded 1969 in Mannheim by the INTERFILM-Jury.
11th February
Annual meeting of the SteerCom during the Berlinale.
12th February
Award Ceremony for the 9th European Templeton Film Prize to “L’enfant” by Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne in the Französische Friedrichstadtkirche Berlin.
INFO no 1/05-1/06
25th November
Meeting of the SteerCom in Mannheim.
Thanks to the helpful support of Waltraud Verlaguet, the need of a French Website can be covered by the link to http://profilfrance.free.fr
INFO no 2/06
10th February
40th General Assembly in Berlin, including 23 partcipants. Reflection and discussion on the future of INTERFILM and questions of communication. Introducing input by Werner Schneider-Quindeau.
Hans Hodel re-elected as President. Are elected as members of the SteerCom (and the *Presidium) the former members: Robin Gurney (UK), Julia Helmke (Germany), Ron Holloway (Germany), *Andrew Johnston (Canada), *Denyse Muller (France), Jes Nysten (Denmark), *Werner Schneider-Quindeau (Germany), Gianna Urizio (Italy), Anita Uzulniece (Latvia), *Karsten Visarius (Germany), and new Angelika Obert (Germany). Are co-opted Dietmar Adler (Germany), Daniela Frumusani (Romania) and Christine Stark (Switzerland).
11th February
Special Programme for the Award Ceremony of the 10th European Templeton Film Prize 2006 to „Grbavica“ by Jasmila Zbanic: Lunch in Hotel Hilton with about 40 guests, followed by the screening oft he awarded film in the Hackesche Höfe. Award Ceremony in the Matthäuskirche, followed by a reception in the „Gemäldegalerie“ with a conference by Petra Bahr, commissior for culture of the EKD.
28th-31st March
Seminar on „Spirituality in Eastern European Film“ by Hans J.Schlegel at the Festival GoEast Wiesbaden, supported by INTERFILM, including a lecture by Karsten Visarius and Hans W. Dannowski.
9th-14th July
1st Ecumenical Jury at the 4th Golden Apricot International Film Festival Yerevan (Armenia)
19th-22th July
Seminar of INTERFILM and SIGNIS at the University of Edinburgh on „Peacemaking in the World of Film. From Conflict to Reconcilition“, organized by Jolyon Mitchell and with the support of WACC.
24th-27th August
Seminar „Talk Film, Talk Faith“ organized by Andrew Johnston during the World Film Festival in Montréal.
14th October
Honorary member Fee Vaillant, former artistic director of the Festival Mannheim-Heidelberg from 1973-1991 passed away
30th November
Pfr.Dr.Christoph Weist, representing the Austrian Protestant Church (AB) inform, that the filmwork has been practically closed down. Still, INTERFILM has some personal members from Austria.
Publication of the documentation on the European Templeton Film Prize 1997-2006, including the ten film sermons by Hans W. Dannowski.
9th Februrary
Annual meeting of the SteerCom during the Berlinale
2nd-5th April
Hans Hodel and Jes Nysten participating at the WACC-ERA Assembly on Cyprus about the theme «Communication in peace - Europe and the Middle East».
16th-23rd April
The presence of the interreligious Jury in Nyon is now financially supported by the Conference of the Protestant Churches in the Suisse Romande.
2nd-3rd September
For the first time, INTERFILM marks officially its presence at the Mostra del Cinema in Venice in collboration with the Assoziazione protestante Cinema Roberto Sbaffi with two panel discussions. The first in the Lutheran Church was dedicated to Ingmar Bergman and his film „Wild Strawberry“ (which was the first film ever awarded by INTERFILM) and the second in the Hotel Excelsior on the Lido was dedicated on „Stimuli and Challenges of Contemporary Chinese Cinema“.
6th-10th October
WACC World Congress on „Communication is Peace“ in Capetown (South Africa), also attended by INTERFILM’s President Hans Hodel.
8th November
Meeting of the Presidium in Mannheim. Discussion about how to find new financial resources and about the need of a „Mission statement“.
7th February
Annual meeting of the SteerCom during the Berlinale
INFO no 2/06-2/07, Special Issue: Awards 2006/2007
15th April
The Honorary Member Dr. Wim Koole (*1929) from The Netherlands passed away.
25th-28th June
Seminar on Gotland and Färö organized by Ylva Liljeholm in the framework of the Bergman Week, sponsored by the Cultural Departement of the Swedish Church. Conference by Jes Nysten about the mirror as a symbol of man’s lack of understanding of both himself and others (see INFO Mai 2010, page 4).
14th September
Panel Discussion on Human Dignity in Iranian Cinema in Venice with the Iranian film directors Shirin Neshat and Babak Payami, Dario Viganò (President Ente dello Spettaccolo), Fr. Peter Malone (filmcritic SIGNIS), Heike Kühn (filmcritic) and Peter Ciaccio (moderator).
16th December
The Honorary Member and member of the SteerCom Dr. Ron Holloway (*1933) passed away.
13th February
Annual meeting of the SteerCom during the Berlinale.
Robin Gurney appointed Honorary Member
On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the International Film Festival Berlin, Prof. Dr. Thomas Koebner, Film scientist, researcher, academic teacher and publicist, is honoured at the Ecumenical Reception with an Ecumenical Hpnorary Award for his outstanding contribution to the perception and acknowledgement of film as art form. Laudatio by Hans-Helmut Prinzler.
INFO no 1/08-2/08, Special Issue: Awards 2008
INFO no 1/09-2/09
10th-13th June
Seminar focusing on the Dogma films and their impact today, organized by Jes Nysten, and 41st General Assembly in Copenhagen, hosted by Kirke og Film Denmark, including 20 participants.
Hans Hodel re-elected as President. Are elected as members of the SteerCom (and the *Presidium) the former members: Julia Helmke (Germany), *Denyse Muller (France), Jes Nysten (Denmark), Angelika Obert (Germany), *Werner Schneider-Quindeau (Germany), Gianna Urizio (Italy), Anita Uzulniece (Latvia), *Karsten Visarius (Germany), and new Mikael Larsson (Sweden), *Philip Lee (Canada/WACC) and Jolyon Mitchell (UK). Are co-opted Dietmar Adler (Germany), Alina Birzache (UK/Romania), Robin Gurney (UK) and Christine Stark (Switzerland).
27th July
New web site www.interfimnorthamerica.org launched for film enthusiastics in North America: INTERFILM in North America has launched its new website. The site had been created by Philip Lee, currently WACC Deputy Director of Programs and Editor of Media Development, and newly elected as one of the three Vice-Presidents of INTERFILM.
7th September
3rd panel at the Mostra del Cinema in Venice. The event was devoted to contemporary Russian film art. Andrey Plakhov, an international renowned film critic and historian, talked about “Dreams and Reality” in Russian film productions.
08th- 17th October
1st Ecumenical Jury at the Warsaw Film Festival composed by three members; one of them from INTERFILM.
10th-20th February
Brochure edit by SIGNIS (Peter Malone and Peter Hasenberg) to celebrate the presence of the 20th Ecumenical Jury at the Berlinale.
12th February
Annual meeting of the SteerCom during the Berlinale.
30rd March-2nd April
WACC-ERA Assembly in Frankfurt a/M. Denyse Muller elected for INTERFILM new member of the SteerCom WACC-ERA.
01st-09th July
Seminar with three protestant and two catholic theologians and panel on “Spirituality and film” in Karlovy Vary, including members of the Ecumenical Jury, organized by Lukas Jirsa and Michael Otrisal.
31th August-10th September
1st INTERFILM Jury at the Mostra del Cinema in Venice to award a film in competition or in the section Orizzonti with the INTERFILM Prize for Promoting Interreligious Dialogue
Panel on “The Arab Spring and Cinema” in Hotel Excelsior, hosted by the Fondazione Ente dello Spettacolo.
17th-25th September
1st Ecumenical Jury at the 8th Jameson Cinefest Miskolc (Hungary). Retrospective of for Hungarian films awarded in former years by OCIC/SIGNIS, INTERFILM or Ecumenical Juries; selected by the festival.
7th October
The Swiss Honorary Member Doelf Rindlisbacher (*1919) passed away.
15th November
To celebrate the 60th International Film Festival Mannheim-Heidelberg IFFMH and the longstanding close presence of the Churches at the festival, the Ecumenical Jury honored festival director Dr. Michael Kötz with a Special Prize for his outstanding achievements as festival director and patron saint of independent cinema. The laudatio has been held by Peter Hasenberg.
12th February
Annual meeting of the SteerCom during the Berlinale.
1st-11th August
Celebration of the 40th Ecumenical Jury at the 65th Festival del Film Locarno: Screening of the 1st prize winnng film 1973 “Iluminacja” in presence of its director Krzysztof Zanussi. Panel with K.Zanussi, Moritz de Hadeln, Julia Helmke, Michael Sennhauser and Charles Martig. Masterclass with Zanussi.
3rd September
Panel in the memory of Theo Angelopoulos in Venice
20th September
Panel on “Religious dimensions in contemporary cinema” in Miskolc
29th September
Pro-Fil is celebrating in Paris its 20th anniversary during its General Assembly, which is attended also by Hans Hodel, who brings the greetings of the Presidium INTERFILM and express his personal recognition.
8th November
Introductory lecture prepared by Milja Radovic on Religion and Nationalism in Eastern Europe and its Cinema, focussing the film “Pretty Village, Pretty Flames” from S.Dragojevic in the frame of the focus “Eastern Europe by Religions” in Cottbus
9th February
Annual meeting of the SteerCom during the Berlinale.
7th-8th June
42nd General Assembly in Hannover, hosted by the Lutheran Landeskirche and its Office for Art and Cultur, including 22 participants.
Hans Hodel resigns after nine years as president (staying still for re-election as jury coordinator) and presents its last report for the years 2010-2012. SIGNIS, represented by the European president Jos Horemans, is honouring him for his ecumenical behaviour with an Honorary Award of SIGNIS.
Dr. Julia Helmke is elected as new president. Are (re-)elected as members of the SteerCom (and the *Presidium) the former members: *Philip Lee, (Canada/WACC),*Denyse Muller (France), Jolyon Mitchell (UK, Jes Nysten (Denmark), Angelika Obert (Germany), Werner Schneider-Quindeau (Germany), Gianna Urizio (Italy), Anita Uzulniece (Latvia), *Karsten Visarius (Germany), and new Charlotte Wells (Sweden), *Philip Lee (Canada/WACC), Are co-opted Dietmar Adler (Germany), Eckart Bruchner (Germany), Robin Gurney (UK), Christine Stark (Switzerland) and Waltraud Verlaguet (France).
Evaluation of the jury awards and reflections and discussion on the “best film” in the frame of “Faith-Religion–Film”.
Reception by Bishop Ralf Meister in Honour of the new President of INTERFILM, honoring als Hans W. Dannowski, the Honorary President of INTERFILM.
9th June
Constitutional meeting of the new SteerCom in Hannover.
9th February
Annual meeting of the SteerCom during the Berlinale.
25th February – 2nd March
Hans Hodel and Julia Helmke are invited to attend in Rom the World Congress of SIGNIS. At the end of the workshop on “Cinema and Spirituality, Philip Lee, deputy secretary of WACC, is honouring Hans Hodel in the presence of all participants with the Honorary Life Membership of WACC.
3rd May
The Swiss Honorary Member Maurice Terrail (*1933), who has been a co-founder and supporter till 2000 of the ecumenical presence in Cannes, passed away.
10th May
The International Short Film Days Oberhausen is celebrating its 60th anniversary, where INTERFILM is present including the former Protestant Filmwork since 1964. On this occasion, SIGNIS and INTERFILM are honouring Festival Director Lars Henrik Gass, director since 1997, with an Honorary Award.
22nd May
On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Ecumenical Jury, SIGNIS and INTERFILM are honouring the Belgian directors Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne with a Special Award. The films of the Brothers Dardenne are marked by a profound humanity which is guiding the choices of the ecumenical jury as well.
10th-11th June
General Assembly of WACC-ERA in Hilversum. Julia Helmke is elected new member of the SteerCom representing INTERFILM
1st November
At the 57th Festival DOK Leipzig, the Ecumenical Jury celebrated 25 years of presence. The jury was created in 1990, a year after the fall of the Berlin wall in which the Churches in East Germany had played a significant role. On the occasion of his resignation after eleven success full year supporting all the time our presence, the Ecumenical Jury pays tribute to the leaving director Claas Danielsen honouring him with an Honorary Award.
6th November
During the Ecumenical Reception at the Festival for East European Film in Cottbus, INTERFILM’s jury coordinator has a speech about “queerEAST in the mirror of the Churches”.
12th January
Swiss members are establishing the association “Interfilm Swiss” as a working group for supporting INTERFILM’s presence in Switzerland.
19th – 25th January
After 30 years of presence with a jury INTERFILM, an Ecumenical Jury is established at the 36th Film Festival Max Ophüls Prize Saarbrücken.
8th February
Annual meeting of the SteerCom during the Berlinale.
Karsten Visarius is presenting the relaunch of the website www.inter-film.org
10th-12th September
Initiated by the SteerCom members Jes Nysten and Charlotte Wells organized a conference on church and film in the Zentropa Studios in Denmark with participants from Norway, Sweden and Denmark.
13th September
Due to the 20th INTERFILM-Jury 2015 at the Nordic Film Days from 4th-8th November, INTERFILM is honouring the artistic director of the NFL Linde Fröhlich Honorary Member of NTERFILM. The ceremony was held on Sunday by INTERFILM’s president Julia Helmke after having the sermon in St. Marien. Also Bo Torp Pedersen and colleagues from Kirke og Film/Denmark brought greetings for the members from the Nordic countries (see www.kirkeogfilm.dk).
9th-12th June
INTERFILM Seminar "Making Visible the Invisible Through Film" and 43rd General Assembly in Uppsala. Re-election of Julia Helmke as President, Hans Hodel as Jury Coordinator and Karsten Visarius as Executive Director. Charlotte Wells elected as new member of the Presidium, replacing Philip Lee who remains a member of the Board.
31st October - 6th November
First Interreligious Jury at the DOK Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film, replacing the Ecumenical Jury (1990-2015)
28th November
Hans Werner Dannowski, Commissioner for Film of the EKD 1985-1992, INTERFILM President 1988-2004 and Honorary President of INTERFILM since 2004, passes away.
14th January
First screening of the restored silent film "Luther" from 1927, directed by Hans Kyser, in the Passionskirche in Berlin, with live music played by Stephan Graf v. Bothmer on the piano, on the occasion of the celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017.
21st May
Serge Molla is appointed as new INTERFILM Festival Delegate in Cannes. Denyse Muller, his predecessor, receives an honourable mention in recognition of her merits, together with Jos Horemans from SIGNIS, her long-standing cooperation partner.
24th August
Werner Schneider-Quindeau, Film Commissioner of the EKD 1999-2003, Vice President of INTERFILM 2004-2017, passes away
21st May
Aleksandr Askol'dov, director of the film "Commissar", banned in 1967 and redicovered in 1988, Honorary Member of INTERFILM since 2000, dies in Göteborg
24th August
INTERFILM celebrates Hans Hodel's 80th birthday in Ligerz and Twann (Switzerland)
16th-20th October
INTERFILM Seminar "Religious Elements in Contemporary Cinema" and 44th General Assembly in Erlangen, hosted by the Faculty of Philosophy and the Department of Theology at the Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, represented by Prof. Johanna Haberer.
Hans Hodel and Denyse Muller are leaving the Presidium, Piet Halma, Gianna Urizio and Anita Uzulniece the Board. Julia Helmke is reelected as President, Charlotte Wells (Sweden) as Vice President and Karsten Visarius (Germany) as Executive Director. Newly elected Presidium members are Ingrid Glatz-Anderegg (Switzerland) and Jes Nysten (Denmark). Reelected as Board members are Philip Lee (Canada), Jolyon Mitchell (UK) and Waltraud Verlaguet (France). Dietmar Adler (Germany), Christian Engels (Germany), Joël Friso (Netherlands), Viktor Kókai-Nagy (Hungary) and Michele Lipori (Italy) are elected as new Board members. Dietmar Adler follows Hans Hodel as Jury Coordinator.
Hans Hodel is appointed as Honorary President, Denyse Muller, Piet Halma, Gianna Urizio and Anita Uzulniece are appointed as Honorary Members.
19th November
At the Ecumenical Reception of the International Film Festival Mannheim-Heidelberg Dr. Michael Kötz is appointed Honorary Member of INTERFILM, on the occasion of his leave as director of the festival.
March 2020
The Corona Pandemic causes many restrictions, concerning for instance public events, travels etc. Festivals react by organising online or hybrid formats, some of them dispensing independent juries like the ecumenical juries. The hardest setback for INTERFILM is the cancellation of the longtime planned symposium "Looking Beyond the Screen: Spiritual Diversity and the Post-Secular in Contemporary Cinema" in New York, scheduled for March 25-29. A number of restrictions will apply well until 2021. INTERFILM Board and Presidium meetings take place in an online format.
22nd March
Death of James M. Wall, former president of Interfilm North America and key figure of Protestant film activities in North America.
16th July
INTERFILM and SIGNIS protest against the imprisonment of Iranian film directors Mohammad Rasoulof, Mostafa Aleahmad and Jafar Panahi.
8th October
45th General Assembly of INTERFILM in an online format. Due to the restrictions of the Corona pandemic the Assembly had to take place online for the first time. Julia Helmke is re-elected as president. Re-elected as Board members (and *Presidium members) were Dietmar Adler (Germany), Christian Engels (Germany), *Ingrid Glatz (Switzerland), *Viktor Kókai-Nagy (Hungary), Philip Lee (USA), Jolyon Mitchell (United Kingdom), *Karsten Visarius (Germany) and *Waltraud Verlaguet (France). Newly elected Board members were Peter Ciaccio (Italy), Mia Lund Rao (Denmark), Johan Roeland (Netherlands) and Marie Starck (Sweden).
Main topics were the Covid restrictions of festivals and festival juries, the preparation of the seminar in Budapest in April 2023, and the Russian war against the Ukraine and its consequences for an international, intercultural and dialogue oriented organisation like INTERFILM.
In the constitutional meeting of the Board after the assembly Praxedis Bouwman (Netherlands), Jacques Champeaux (France) Juha Rajamäki (Finland), S. Brent Rodrigues-Plate (USA) and Sofia Sjö (Finland) were co-opted as additional Board members.
19th February
First physical meeting of the INTERFILM Board elected in 2022 at the Berlinale in a room of the Kaiser Wilhelm Gedächtniskirche
26th-30th April
Conference in Budapest entitled "In Uncertain Times - A bizonytalan időkben" in the Corvin Cinema about Hungarian cinema, with a special focus on the actual situation in the Ukraine, prepared by INTERFILM board members Ingrid Glatz, Viktor Kókai Nagy and Karsten Visarius, supported by the Reformed Church and the Lutheran Church in Hungary. At the end of the event, Michael Otrisal from Prague is appointed Honorary Member of INTERFILM.
8th August
Honorary Award of the Ecumenical Jury to István Szabó on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Ecumenical Jury at the film festival of Locarno. Ingrid Glatz who wrote her dissertation about the director gives the laudatory speech.
Hans Hodel, Jury Coordinator of INTERFILM since 1989 and INTERFILM President 2004-2013 / Karsten Visarius, Executive Director of INTERFILM